Alternative Vote

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Related to Alternative Vote: Single Transferable Vote

Alternative Vote

(Government, Politics & Diplomacy) (modifier) of or relating to a system of voting in which voters list the candidates in order of preference. If no candidate obtains more than 50% of first-preference votes, the votes for the bottom candidate are redistributed according to the voters' next preference. Abbreviation: AV See proportional representation
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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If the pro-Alternative Vote camp had won the 2011 referendum, we would have used the Alternative Vote in the general election.
YouGov suggested a 32-point lead with 53% of first-preference votes going to him under the party's new alternative vote system.
Alternative Vote (AV) Under AV |candidates are ranked by preference, and those preferences would be counted where no candidate had won 50% of the vote.
Nick Clegg's alternative vote fiasco meant some PS90m down the tubes and now we have this rail franchise calamity whereby it is estimated that the cost will be around PS40m.
DAY This is a topic that has been hot in discussion ever since the "alternative vote" referendum last year (which I voted against) as yes, the alternative vote was a good idea in principle, however it would still only be the opinion/vote of the already voting population.
With 403 of 440 results declared, more than 11.4 million people had rejected a switch to the Alternative Vote system, with 5.2 million in favour - a margin of around 69 per cent to 31 per cent.
Senior Liberal Democrats - who had led the campaign for the alternative vote (AV) - conceded defeat and acknowledged that their long-cherished dream of electoral reform is now off the agenda at least until the end of the Parliament.
Around two thirds of city voters said "No" in a referendum on the "alternative vote" system - mirroring the national picture.
VOTERS went to the polls yesterday to vote in local elections and in the country's second national referendum on whether to change our electoral system to the Alternative Vote (AV).
All the green Munchkins voted for Dorothy but didn't use their alternative vote and put a cross next to her name instead of the number one so all votes were spoilt and discounted.
TYNESIDE'S battle over the Alternative Vote referendum reaches its conclusion this week.
Olympic silver medalist Kriss Akabusi visited Birmingham this week to urge people to support the Alternative Vote campaign.

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