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the act of joining or the condition of being joined to something
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While talking protesters said that Talqa Education Officer (TEO) Jacobabad Abdul Shakoor Banglani is a corrupt official, he had been arrested by Anti corruption police under the alligation of demolishing the primary school and case was lodged against him, he has been restored on the same seat additional powers were also given after taking heavy brabery.
A representative example is Geis's summary of Ferlinghetti's one-act play, The Alligation (1962): "Shooky the alligator is kept, figuratively, on a short leash by his owner, Ladybird.
WASHINGTON: Newly unsealed court documents in a case against White House hopeful Donald Trump's "university" reveal alligations that the now-defunct business preyed on the uneducated and misled consumers with aggressive marketing that amounted to fraud.