agree to

Also found in: Idioms.

w>agree to

vi +prep objzustimmen (+dat); marriage alsoeinwilligen in (+acc), → seine Einwilligung geben zu; conditions, terms alsoannehmen, akzeptieren; increase, payment alsosich einverstanden erklären mit; I cannot agree to your marrying herich kann einer Ehe nicht zustimmen
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
References in classic literature ?
Officers of the Wanderer and the Sea-mew , do you agree to that way of meeting the difficulty?"
"Men of the Wanderer and Sea-mew , your officers agree to cast lots.
They say they don't agree to leave Bogucharovo as you ordered."
We agree to keep our own secret, and to work together in furtherance of our own schemes.'
They also agree to conduct a joint inspection of the boundary line between the boundary pillars BP34 and BP 35.
Next, collapsing the averages into two broad categories, Agree and Don't Agree, 84.24% (N=139) subjects mentioned that they Agree to have adequacy in spoken English so that they could speak English with their children at home, whereas 10.90% (N=18) revealed that they Don't Agree in this context.
The firms agree to the latest date when the sellers will reduce their time commitment to the firm and final payments will commence, usually within one to five years.
The firm's willingness to agree to these provisions--like any company that enters into a DPA--underscores that the collateral pain inflicted on any corporation involved in a criminal case can far exceed the contours of whatever sentence a court might impose after a felony conviction.
The following items are Likert-scale items with five possible responses ranging from strongly agree to strongly disagree.
Results of logistic regression analyses that adjusted for study site and other relevant factors indicated that women younger than 30 were significantly more likely than their older counterparts to agree to testing; the younger the women were, the wider the differential (odds ratios, 1.4 for women in their late 20s, 1.5 for those in their early 20s and 1.9 for teenagers).
(23) The Service has held that this does not result in gross income to the class members, assuming the class members did not individually agree to compensate the attorneys.
In the improbable situation that one of the three currency zones wished to appreciate its currency against the other two, and neither of the other two would agree to coordinate on that direction of intervention, they could combine reserves to sell on the market (in all likelihood, they could expect the market to join them in opposing the appreciation, for the unilateral intervener could only strengthen its currency to the extent it had foreign exchange reserves with which to buy up its own currency).