afloat support

afloat support

A form of logistic support outside the confines of a harbor in which fuel, ammunition, and supplies are provided for operating forces either underway or at anchor. See also floating base support.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.
soutien logistique à la mer
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At that time, the two sides decided to elevate defense cooperation: New Delhi is stationing a Defence Attache in Male, extending deployment of its ALH Dhruv helicopter by two more years, providing training to the Maldivian Air Wing, positioning an Indian Navy Afloat Support Team to train Maldivian naval personnel and providing assistance for surveillance of the Exclusive Economic Zone.
Moreover, on a request from the Male, India has decided to position an Indian Navy Afloat Support Team at Maldives for a period of one year to help in smooth functioning and operations of the latter's fleet and help in training their personnel for future maintenance operations.
DCNS used the Afloat Support and Naval Logistics conference in London to present the design (illustrated) of the Brave class of replenishment tanker and support vessels the yard is developing for the French Navy and the export market.
Commodore Dave Preston, defence equipment and support's director of afloat support at the MoD, said: "One of the major benefits of the through life support contracts is that the companies gather experience of working on these ships.
Commodore David Preston, MoD defence equipment and support director of Afloat Support, said: "This new strategy will also see the MoD working more closely with the chosen contractors over the longer term, granting them a greater understanding of our requirements and improving the support RFA ships receive.
And Commodore David Preston, MOD Defence Equipment and Support Director of Afloat Support added: "This new strategy will also see the MOD working more closely with the chosen contractors over the longer term, granting them a greater understanding of our requirements and improving the support RFA ships receive.
Commodore Dave Preston, from the MoD Availability Afloat Support team, said: "These ships often serve very long periods at sea, so these docking periods are an opportunity to modernise and add new capabilities.
Operational commanders will employ strike aircraft, cruise missiles, long-range gunfire, special operations forces, information operations, Marine (and other-service) ground forces, and other offensive capabilities from a secure and tactically agile afloat support base.
The company is conducting a pounds 137m long-term service and support contract for gas turbines which power 27 ships in service with the Royal Navy, and French, Belgian and Royal Netherlands navies, and is part of a team providing support to four Royal Australian Navy amphibious and afloat support ships for seven years with options for a further five.
"These new ships are hugely capable and will allow the Royal Fleet Auxiliary to continue to provide a first-class amphibious and afloat support service to the armed forces."
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