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unrighteousness or wickedness
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artho dharmah kama ity arthatrivargah--"artha, dharma, and kama: that is the trivarga of artha." anartho 'dharmah s'oka ity anarthatrivargah--"anartha, adharma, and sorrow: that is the trivarga of anartha." artho 'nartha iti, dharmo 'dharma iti, kamah soka iti samsayatrivargah--"Is it artha or anartha?
In the epic text Mahabharata, playful divinity Krishna is an example of such an orthopraxy who weaves Dharma (law) against Adharma (anti-law) during a war between the bad Kauravas and the good Pandavas, depicted in the epic, to bring about the victory of the Pandavas, the adherents to Dharma, but also its violators.
The concept of adharma in the Hindu tradition is very much similar to the concept of 'sin' in the Judeo-Christian tradition.
Indeed, by portraying the abuse and mistreatment of children, the filmmakers provide us with a powerful portrayal of adharma, the chaos and evil that is the antithesis of dharma, as well as the necessity to defeat and remove those who perpetrate acts of adharma.
To overcome crisis and setbacks, the person goes to the spiritual workshop for repairs and as righteousness (dharma) > adharma, there is a tendency for dharma line to move upwards from [D.sub.0] to [D.sub.1] and the person's equanimity level moves from [P.sub.0] to [P.sub.1] with tendencies for losses, dividend skips, sorrows, etc.
Dharma (righteous conduct) and adharma (unrighteousness) are spelled out in the Dharmashastras, and as noted above, right and wrong conduct are guided by one's station in life and by the social class one belongs to.
So the prevalent strains of adharma in Hamm and Clov's lives do not allow a wholesome perspective on existence, disrupting in the process the integrality that lies enshrined in the ways dharma is conceived.
Other Sanskrit traditions identify Mrtyu as a son of Nirrti by Adharma (Bunce 2000:9) or of Kali and Brahma; also in this case, Mrtyu appearance between Nairrti, the Lokapala of the Southwest--if the Lokapala does not represent Surya--and Brahma, the Digbandha of the South, is appropriate.
10 -- The All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam(AIADMK) supremo has said that ensuring elections to the Tamil Nadu Assembly, due in May this year, would be a war between the "Dharma" and "Adharma" and in the end Dharma would win.
Concluding on an optimistic note, the ballet drew to an end with Samay reassuring Bharti of the good times to return, with humanity winning over the evil- the victory of Dharma over Adharma, as the characters portrayed it.