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Variant of azan.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(Islam) Islam a call to prayer
[changed from Arabic adhān, literally: announcement]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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The 2015 yearbook includes articles on Agahi, the pen name of Muhammad Rida, Erniuaz bek oghli, poet, historian, and translator at the court of the khans of Khiva in Khwarazm; banks and banking in the Muslim world; the adhan call to prayer; esotericism and exotericism in Islam; Turkish sociologist Ziyaeddin Fahre (Dia'eddin Fakhri) Findikoglu (1901-74), also known as Ahmet Halil (Ahmed Khalil); and the relationship between grammar and law in Islamic thought.
It was also the place where imams and sheikhs made the adhan (call for prayers).
Parveen, dejected by the attitude of her husband, took her three children Nimra, 9, Sonia, 5, and Aqib, 2 and jumped into the canal near Wah Adhan. Some passers-by jumped into the canal and rescued the woman.
THE Royal Embassy of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) in Manila, which is also known as the Embassy of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, recently announced that its country's General Entertainment Authority has launched two competitions for the most beautiful recitation of the Holy Quran and the most beautiful voice in call for prayer (Adhan) for all Muslims around the world, 'with a total prize of SR12 million [$3.2 million].'
Launched earlier this year by Turki Al-Sheikh, chairman of the Kingdom's General Entertainment Authority (GEA), the Qur'an and Adhan recital contests will offer a winners' prize pot of SR7 million ($1.9 million).
Nema county director Adhan Bile said they were also investigating the source of plastic paper bags.
To the supplementary question by Datuk Mohd Adhan Kechik (BN-Bukit Bunga) about the federal government's reason to shorten the ECRL route to Kota Bharu station, Hanifa said it was due to cost optimisation factor.
The bus belonged to Al Najah school located in Adhan area in Ras Al Khaimah.
Adhan, the call summoning the faithful to prayer, delivered by a muezzin, has rang out from atop the minarets of mosques around the world for the last 15 centuries, ever since the Islamic commonwealth of nations began in the seventh century to spread its wings to the West an East - where, indeed, the twain did actually meet, and meet in a communal sense of reference and devout compliance to a shared faith.
The initiative named "Fahaddath", is well known for their activity during the month of Ramadan, of distributing breakfast meals to pedestrians and motorists before Adhan Al Maghrib and for organizing a group breakfast regularly.
The best time to eat Suhoor is half an hour before the Adhan. You can break your fast with something light such as:
Additionally, parking lots surrounding mosques will be free for one hour after the adhan call of the five daily prayers.