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(Biography) Georg. 1887–1914, Austrian poet, noted for his expressionist style: died of a drug overdose while serving as a medical officer in World War I
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Trakl's 1915 poem "A Winter Evening" [Ein Winterabend],
Indeed, he continues to be overshadowed by his better-known contemporaries Rainer Maria Rilke and Georg Trakl. Those who speak of him chiefly recall his nightmarish visions of the modern metropolis in such poems as "Die Damone der Stadte" ("The Demons of the City") and his premonitions of the First World War, which he did not live to see, in such poems as "Der Krieg" ("The War").
Only a few years after seeing his first piece of writing into print in 1911, the young poet had become a staple in expressionist circles and soon published regularly with Kurt Wolff, who also promoted such future luminaries as Georg Trakl and Franz Kafka.
Wright's reading was largely self-directed and wide in its embrace, including, importantly (and early), Rilke, Trakl, and nineteenth-century German poets; Central American poets such as Neruda, Vallejo, and Jimenez; Dickens, Hardy, Dostoevsky--well, the list is global and very long.
This is how Georg Trakl begins, namely under Baudelaire's and Rimbaud's influence, to acquire a profoundly original poetics: the poem conceived as a retort, having a title identical to Baudelaire's A une passante, contains the closing and opening points towards Baudelaire's model, an essential argument in finding a genetically expressionist mechanism.
La parola che germina dalla lacerazione ci fa ricordare la poesia della blessure e della paralisi postbellica di Joe Bousquet (1897-1950) (Tradidt du silence, Gallimard, 1941); la proiezione infernale di alcuni componimenti, dagli scenari cupi e mostruosi, ci rinvia al lamento selvaggio del poeta austriaco Georg Trakl di fronte alia straziante agonia dei moribondi dopo la battaglia di Grodek ("Grodek", e Apnea, p.
| WHAT nationality was the poet Georg Trakl? | WHERE in South America is the lake Poopo?
But for a more exhaustive approach, I keep coming back to--and actually reading--Christian Hawkey's 2010 translation of Georg Trakl's poetry, Ventrakl.