To bear down

To force into a lower place; to carry down; to depress or sink.
To overthrow or crush by force; as, to bear down an enemy.
- Marryat.

See also: Bear, Bear

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in classic literature ?
As the Pawnees retired with the body, the Siouxes pressed upon their footsteps, and at length the whole of the latter broke out of the cover with a common yell, and threatened to bear down all opposition by sheer physical superiority.
We have work to do, we need to bear down on the problem of student absenteeism.
But just 17% have faith in the PM to bear down on fuel costs against 38% who trust Mr Miliband on the issue.
He said: "As we see public attitudes changing we will be able to bear down on it more successfully.
He said: "It's right for society to bear down on and deal with anti-social behaviour that's associated with drinking.
Baker skipped away onto Darragh Maguire's flick from Ger O'Brien's long ball to bear down and goal and give Chris O'Connor no chance with a ferocious rising shot.
And if you live in Springfield, west of 28th Street, you really need to bear down. It's your turn in the Great Leaf Collection of 2006-07.
Off the pace for much of the race, he coolly bided his time over this extended ten furlongs before gradually building the tempo of his mount to bear down on the leaders entering the short straight.
The book investigates how earlier tax policy decisions resulted in a limited or open set of funding options for maintaining welfare state expenditures when globalization began to bear down in the early 1990s.
The American Health Care Association (AHCA) is continuing to bear down on Congress, with AHCA's CEO and president, Charles Roadman II, MD, reminding lawmakers once again that funding problems hamper patients' ability to access quality care.
Then, when the fetal head descends past the ischial spines (+ 1 station), the mother feels the sudden strong urge to bear down. This is Ferguson's reflex, and it typically is accompanied by a loud maternal groan.