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Noun1.Suillus - a genus of fungi belonging to the family BoletaceaeSuillus - a genus of fungi belonging to the family Boletaceae
fungus genus - includes lichen genera
Boletaceae, family Boletaceae - family of fleshy fungi having the germ pores easily separating from the cup and often from each other
Suillus albivelatus - a short squat edible fungus with a reddish brown cap and white stalk; fruits under pines in the spring
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References in periodicals archive ?
Exemplo disto sao os fungos dos generos Rhizopogon e Suillus, que se associam a apenas uma ou poucas familias, especialmente a familia Pinaceae (MOLINA; MASSICOTE; TRAPPE, 1992).
The predominance of ergosterol and the presence of the minor related sterols in Russula delica (0.07-12.51 [micro]g/100 g fw), Suillus bellinii (0.05-12.31 [micro]g/100 g fw) and Lactarius species (0.02-18.0 [micro]g/100 g fw) was reported by Kalogeropoulos et al.
Species of Amhinema, Boletus, Hebeloma, Laccaria, Paxillus, Phialophora, Russula, Lactarius, Suillus and Thelephora are the commonest associates of conifer roots (Bent et al., 2011; Gao & Yang, 2010; Garcia et al., 2016; Obase et al., 2009) and the Cenococcum geophilum often dominate the community (Horton & Bruns, 1998; Koide et al., 2008; Obase et al., 2009; Taniguchi et al., 2007).
Suillus himalayensis (Boletales, Suillaceae) was found associated with Pinus wallichiana during a survey of macrofungi from moist coniferous forests of Pakistan.
erythropus and Suillus luteus (Kelec et al., 2011), respectively.
[20]; this inoculum contained roots and ectomycorrhizal propagules of the fungi Amanita muscaria, Amanita sp., and Suillus luteus, which was labeled as Plantation-Soil inoculum (PS) and is traditionally used in local nurseries (34 infective propagules per g); this type of inoculum is used worldwide [1, 21, 22].
In a study carried out with a species of Boletaceae (Suillus grevillei), it is also mentioned that the variations in mineral composition of the different samples are related to the composition of the substrates and the geochemistry of the soils of each site [11].
Karst, [[dagger], [double dagger]] Strobilomyces confusus Singer [[double dagger], NR] Strobilomyces strobilaceus (Scop.) Berk, [[dagger], [double dagger]] Suillus acidus (Peck) Singer [[double dagger], NR] Suillus americanus (Peck) Snell [[double dagger], NR] Suillus collinitus (Fr.) Kuntze [[dagger]] Suillus granulatus (L.) Roussel [[double dagger], NR] Suillus grevillei (Klotzsch) Singer [[double dagger], NR] Suillus hirtellus (Peck) Kuntze [[double dagger], NR] Suillus luteus (L.) Roussel [[dagger], [double dagger]] Suilluspictus A.H.