References in periodicals archive ?
Keywords: Artiodactyla, Suiformes, Suidae, Miocene, Siwaliks.
Pilgrim (1926) was the first one who discovered vast divergence in the Siwalik Suidae. The Siwalik suids are represented by some endemic genera like Lophochoerus, Tetraconodon, Hippopotamodon, Sivahyus and Hippohyus, whereas some genera are common in Siwaliks and Europe and other parts of the world like Bunolistriodon, Listriodon, Propotamochoerus, Conohyus and Sus (Pilgrim 1926, Colbert, 1935; Pickford, 1988, Made, 1996).
7.Artiodactyla Suidae is the scientific name for which farm animal?
The family Suidae (Artiodactyla, Mammalia), generally known as boars, hogs, pigs or suids, is part of the superfamily Suoidea along with Tayassuidae (peccaries) (Gongora et al., 2011).
The fauna mainly consists of Artiodactyla (Cervidae, Tragulidae, Giraffidae, Suidae), Perissodactyla (Equidae, Rhinocerotidae), Proboscidea and Primates (Khan et al., 2013).
Listriodon is an extinct genus of the class Mammalia, order Artiodactyla and family Suidae.