
Related to Rily: RILT, RIYL


Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in classic literature ?
The girl was of the sort one necessa rily casts eyes at in a sense.
The primary school award was won by Elin Meek and Valeriane Leblond from Carmarthen for their book Cymru ar y Map (Wales on the Map) an illustrated atlas which shows Wales off at its best published by Rily.
The primary school award was won by Elin Meek and Valeriane Leblond from Carmarthen for their book Cymru ar y Map (Wales on the Map), an illustrated atlas which shows Wales off at its best published by Rily.
(NASDAQ: RILY), served as the exclusive financial advisor to Wireless Telecom Group, Inc.
But his career has been prima rily focused on risk and control roles including spells with the financial regulator, Bank of Scot land and National Australia Group (Clydesdale and Yorkshire Banks).
Lynda, 41, has helped the " company grow to such an extent that Rily publishes Welsh translations of some of the most popular chilDren's ction today such as Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Peppa Pig and Fireman Sam to name but a few.
Though the real reason has never been satisfactog rily explained, I'm told it was because Giggs leafed through her undie drawer and found a nurse's outfit, a French maid's outfit, and a police outfit and dumped her as it showed she couldn't hold down a job.
Clockwise from main, Valerie Court, Philip Court (past chairman, Midlands branch), Jill Andrews, John Andrews (president & past chairman); Bob Michaelson, Kevin Rose (chief executive, Audi UK), Clive Stone; Dorothy Teather, John Teather, Liz Rily; William Whawell, Vanessa Andrews, Mark Andrews (all from Maxima); Maggie Phillips, Nimish Sawjani (Audi UK), Pam Michaelson, Stan Hardy (CBM
CAMPAIGNERS representing the relatives of people who have died at the hands of the police have reacted ang rily to the ne ws that nobody would be prosecuted for Andrew Kernan's death.
Riley Financial (RILY) announced its wholly owned subsidiary has entered into an agreement to acquire Fortress Biotech's (FBIO) majority stake in National Holdings Corp (NHLD) for an aggregate purchase price totaling approximately $22.9M.