Reseda odorata

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Related to Reseda odorata: Lobularia maritima
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.Reseda odorata - Mediterranean woody annual widely cultivated for its dense terminal spikelike clusters greenish or yellowish white flowers having an intense spicy fragranceReseda odorata - Mediterranean woody annual widely cultivated for its dense terminal spikelike clusters greenish or yellowish white flowers having an intense spicy fragrance
genus Reseda - Old World genus of herbs having racemose flowers: mignonette; dyer's rocket
reseda - any plant of the genus Reseda
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References in periodicals archive ?
Reseda odorata, Tropaeolum majus and Althea rosea (Walter Fitch - PGP) IF OUR hosts were frustrated by our insisting we visit all the charity and antique shops we could find last weekend, then they certainly made up for it by making us trawl around their local garden centre...not just once, but twice - in the same day.
An orchid print by John Nugent Fitch worth PS100-200 Left: a Walter Fitch illustration from Popular Garden Botany(PGP) showing Chrysanthemum Sinense, Lobelia splendens, Valeriana rubra and Scabiosa atropurpurea Pharbitas hispida and Convolvulus tricolor (Walter Fitch - PGP) Jasmine officinalis and Jasmine fruticans (Walter Fitch - PGP) Another orchid print by John Nugent Fitch worth PS100-200 Reseda odorata, Tropaeolum majus and Althea rosea (Walter Fitch - PGP) Battered but not yet broken: Popular Garden Botany by Agnes Catlow and illustrated by Walter Fitch
PERFECT for evening is the potent perfume of night-scented stocks, lilies and mignonette or Reseda odorata. Plant them close to windows and doors as well as outside sitting areas so that their delightful fragrances waft inside.