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Noun1.Merops - type genus of the MeropidaeMerops - type genus of the Meropidae    
bird genus - a genus of birds
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References in classic literature ?
These were the sons of Merops of Percote, who excelled in all kinds of divination.
On the other hand, it is important to highlight that for the CNP is an enzyme that has been previously reported under different denominations (glycine-glycine dipeptidase, carnosine dipeptidase) agreeing to the MEROPS peptidase database (
Barr, "Acute Sarcocystis falcatula-like infection in a carmine bee-eater (Merops nubicus) and immunohistochemical cross reactivity between Sarcocystis falcatula and Sarcocystis neurona," Journal of Parasitology, vol.
2010); cv-SI was classified as a single member in a different family of protease inhibitors in the MEROPS database.
soprano pipistrelle (Pipistrellus pygmaeus), European bee-eater (Merops apiaster), green lizard (Lacerta viridis) or Danube crested newt (Triturus dobrogicus).
Introduced cane toads Bufo marinus are active nest predators and competitors of rainbow bee-eaters Merops ornatus--observational and experimental evidence.
The Red Fox and Arabian Lynx live in the sanctuary, which is a safe haven for many migratory and endemic birds, like Hoopoe, Indian Roller, Pipit, Merops, Egyptian Eagle, and See-see Partridge, owls, Crowned Sandgrouse, Wild Pigeons, Falcon, Curlew, and Seagull.
Up to 6.4% of the species observed had no breeding opportunities within the study area (Actitis hypoleucos, Aquila pomarina, Merops apiaster, Muscicapa striata, Phylloscopus trochilus, and Sylvia borin).
Comprehensive details are available in the MEROPS peptidase database under Family I29 (
org/) indicates the presence of 60 out of the approximately 570 human proteases that are listed in the MEROPS peptidase database (, which makes them one of the largest enzyme families detectable in blood.