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1. Greek Mythology One of the Pleiades, who hid her face in shame after marrying a mortal.
2. One of the six stars in the Pleiades cluster, faintly visible to the unaided eye.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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whose stars are these: -- `Lovely Teygata, and dark-faced Electra, and Alcyone, and bright Asterope, and Celaeno, and Maia, and Merope, whom glorious Atlas begot....'
When he was come to Chios, be outraged Merope, the daughter of Oenopion, being drunken; but Oenopion when he learned of it was greatly vexed at the outrage and blinded him and cast him out of the country.
The last case is the best, as when in the Cresphontes Merope is about to slay her son, but, recognising who he is, spares his life.
My sire was Polybus of Corinth, and My mother Merope, a Dorian; And I was held the foremost citizen, Till a strange thing befell me, strange indeed, Yet scarce deserving all the heat it stirred.
The earwigfly, Merope tuber Newman, is 1 of only 2 extant members of the family Meropeidae worldwide (Kaltenbach 1978; Byers 2005).
Du cote de la haute culture Claudio Manoel da Costa est l'auteur du Parnasse Obsequieux, drame a reciter accompagne de musique et represente en 1768 et Inacio Jose de Alvarenga Peixoto est l'auteur du drame Enee au Latium et le traducteur de Merope de Scipio Maffey.
Voltaire's Merope, considered by some "one of the most perfect tragedies" (102), is a pale copy of the Italian version by Maffei (itself a subversive copy of the extinct original by Euripides), from which Voltaire borrowed "fable, plan and manner" (104) as well as the plot and the denouement (157).
Sis, Merope Rhonda Coullet Asterope, Peggy Ann, et al.