Mareva injunction

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Mareva injunction

(Law) law the former name for freezing injunction
[C20: named after Mareva Compañia Naviera SA, the plaintiff in an early case (1975) in which such an order was made]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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"A temporary mareva injunction is granted restraining Zakhem International Nigeria, Zakhem Nigeria, Zakhem Kenya and Zakhem Cyprus either by each one of them or jointly whether by themselves, their employees, their agents or nominees or any other person claiming through them from disposing, transferringhellipor otherwise dealing in any manner whatsoever with any of their bank accounts or assets in Kenya," the judge said on Friday.
grant a Mareva injunction. (112) Their Honours identified that the Court
attachment a worthy rival of the Mareva injunction for forum-shopping
The Mareva injunction is an interlocutory order that is generally solicited and granted ex parte at a special hearing and before a lawsuit is filed.
The rule requiring full disclosure seems to me to be one of the most fundamental importance, particularly in the context of the draconian remedy of the Mareva injunction. It is in effect, together with the Anton Piller order, one of the law's two "nuclear" weapons.
Examples include the temporary restraining order, the antisuit injunction, the structural injunction, and the freezing order (which freezes a defendant's assets prior to judgment and is also called a Mareva injunction, after Mareva Compania Naviera S.A.
210 that the English court did not have jurisdiction to grant interim relief by way of Mareva injunction against a foreign defendant otherwise than in support of a cause of action in respect of which the defendant was amenable to the jurisdiction."
It is probable that only a few people outside the law know what Anton Piller or Mareva Injunction mean, but that is not the point.
Plaintiff becomes claimant, writ - claim form, pleading - statement of case, statement of claim or points of - particulars of claim, summons or motion - application, interrogatories and further and better particulars - requests for information, discovery - disclosure, leave of the court - permission of the court, minor/infant - child, in camera or in chambers - in private, next friend or guardian ad litern - litigation friend, payment into court - Part 36 payment, subpoena - witness summons, taxation of costs - assessment of costs, taxing master - costs judge, Anton Piller order - search order, Mareva injunction - freezing injunction, inter partes - on notice, originating summons - alternative procedure, and ex parte - without notice