James Ussher

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Noun1.James Ussher - Irish prelate who deduced from the Bible that Creation occurred in the year 4004 BC (1581-1656)
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4004BC: According to Archbishop James Ussher, this is the day God created the world.
James Ussher's Maybe is dub-reggae in wobbly electronica.
The polarization of religious identity in Ireland and the division of historical record and interpretation along the lines of religious tradition is at the heart of Alan Ford's chapter, "Goliath and the Boy David: Henry Fitzsimon, James Ussher and the Birth of Irish Religious Debate." Examining a meeting between the Irish Jesuit Fitzsimons, at the time imprisoned in Dublin Castle, and the-then nineteen-year-old James Ussher, in June 1600, Ford seeks to establish the significance of this "richly symbolic encounter" (108), and presents two previously unpublished accounts of the meeting.
Their topics include shaping history: James Ussher and the Church of Ireland; contested histories: Richard Mant's History of the Church of Ireland and religious politics in early Victorian Belfast; J.
Moreland reaches the conclusion that the name of James Ussher, author of the 1767 book Clio, or a Discourse on Taste.
It is written in an accessible style and sparkles with nearly one hundred illustrations, mostly reproductions of original illustrations or text pages from significant individuals ranging from James Ussher to contemporary astrogeologists.
In the 17th century, Bishop James Ussher, who just happened to be a Trinity College professor, estimated from biblical events that creation happened around 4004 BC.
The Soteriology of James Ussher: The Act and Object of Saving Faith.
Most fascinating of all were O Cleirigh's links with James Ussher, Church of Ireland Archbishop of Armagh and the government official Sir James Ware.
Robertson criticized James Ussher, an archbishop in the Church of Ireland who in the 17th century studied the Bible and famously concluded that the world had been created on Oct.
Anyone who wants a quick rundown on the millennialism (or antimillennialism) of Augustine, the early Protestant Reformers, Archbishop James Ussher, Thomas Brightman, Jonathan Edwards, Joanna Southcott, Edward Irving, William Miller, John Nelson Darby, and any number of others now has a reference that is both scholarly and literate.
There is a copy of Chetwood's The Voyage and Adventures of Captain Robert Boyle, of which the only other known copy remains in Philadelphia, as well as Irish Bishop James Ussher's book, Annals of The Old and New Testament.