James Usher

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Noun1.James Usher - Irish prelate who deduced from the Bible that Creation occurred in the year 4004 BC (1581-1656)
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Paddy Ware, aged 17, James Usher, 16, Jenny Taylor, 17, Terry Ware, 15, and Kirsty Molyneux, 19, spent the day as city council managers and had the chance to tell council officers what they liked and didn't like about services, and what additional work they thought was needed to meet the needs of young people.
4004 BC: According to Archbishop James Usher, this is the day God created the world.
That saw him complete a 1000 mile, unsupported cycle around Iceland to raise money for the British Heart Foundation in memory of his childhood friend, James Usher, who sadly passed away without warning in 2014.
Police yesterday said a report on oil worker James Usher's death will go to the procurator fiscal.
Oil worker James Usher, 24 , was on the vessel at Commercial Quay, Aberdeen , when he took ill.
James Usher, from Chester-le-Street in County Durham, appeared at North Tyneside Magistrates Court charged with breaches of two Northumberland Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority byelaws.
Earth was created on the evening of Saturday, October 22, 4004BC, according to James Usher the 17th Century Archbishop of Armagh who came to this conclusion by adding up the family histories mentioned in the Bible - such as Adam, Eve, Cain and Abel.
Until the middle of the 19th century, the dominant view of history in the West located the origins of man Within a Biblical timeframe; 4004 BC became the preferred date of the Creation, following the research of the 17th-century churchman James Usher. The discovery of deep time in the mid-19th century by scientists such as Charles Darwin and Charles Lyell put paid to this and the scientific world has had little trouble with the concept ever since.
As part of 11 Million Takeover Day, Paddy Ware, 17, James Usher, 16, Jenny Taylor, 17, Terry Ware, 15, and Kirsty Molyneux, 19, spent the day as council bosses.
.' But I would prefer that rather than the lunacy of 'faith-based' schools, where kids are taught that evolution is 'a hoax' and that the heavens and Earth were created in six days, God clocking on, according to Archbishop James Usher, on a Monday morning in 4004 BC to give the Universe a kickstart.