Intrinsic value

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Related to Intrinsic value: Extrinsic value
See the Note under Value, n.

See also: Intrinsic

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in classic literature ?
Still I observed that neither of the young lades inquired the PRICES, these being considerations that had no influence on the intrinsic value, in their eyes; while the circumstance caused my heart to sink within me, as it clearly proved they did not intend to purchase, and I longed to become the property of the gentle, serene- eyed Anne.
Its intrinsic value does not exceed thirty thousand francs."
No political truth is certainly of greater intrinsic value, or is stamped with the authority of more enlightened patrons of liberty, than that on which the objection is founded.
She wondered if the man who had given her the beautiful bauble, that had meant so much more to him than the intrinsic value which he had not even known could ever have meant to him, was back in his savage forest.
This doubt was more or less openly expressed in Riverboro, which, however, had two opinions on the subject; one that it was a most generous thing in the Sawyer girls to take one of Aurelia's children to educate, the other that the education would be bought at a price wholly out of proportion to its intrinsic value.
Truly, his one son was a chip off the old block, and Peter Winn had no meek notions concerning the intrinsic value of said old block.
(commonly supposed to have been established by William of Wykeham at Winchester, and imported to Rugby by Arnold more for the sake of the lines which were learnt by heart with it than for its own intrinsic value, as I've always understood), that it is a short exercise in Greek or Latin verse, on a given subject, the minimum number of lines being fixed for each form.
I must congratulate you on coming into the possession, though in rather a tragic manner of a relic which is of great intrinsic value, but of even greater importance as an historical curiosity.'
The wedding presents were so numerous as to fill several rooms at the pretty retreat upon the Mole, and of an intrinsic value calling for a special transaction with the Burglary Insurance Company in Cheapside.
Nigerian winger Iwobi, who arrived at Goodison Park at the 11th hour of deadline day, should have cost Everton around PS46.3m, according to his "intrinsic value" calculated by Carteret.
At the same time, with the stock now trading at 5.6 times EV/Recurring Revenue, Zelnick pivots to a more value-oriented thesis as he believes the equity is now priced in line with the intrinsic value of its installed base business.
Ascribe Capital makes investments in securities of companies that are distressed or undergoing operational, financial, or other stress and securities trading at a discount to intrinsic value. Fund IV may make direct loans, fund recapitalizations, provide debtor-in-possession loans and exit financings, and invest in equity or equity-like securities in order to fund both in-court and out-of-court restructuring plans.

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