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1. (Peoples) a member of a North American Indian people from northwest Canada and northeast Alaska
2. (Languages) the language of these people
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References in periodicals archive ?
Archaeological investigations in the lower Mackenzie Valley have identified the place that Mackenzie refers to as a lithic quarry at the mouth of the Thunder River, which is known locally as Vihtr'ii Tshik--a Gwich'in place name that translates to 'flint at the mouth of' (Pilon, 1990; Poko-tylo, 1994; Gwich'in Social and Cultural Institute, 2012; Fig.
Titus Peter, a Gwich'in elder and priest, once told me that he couldn't speak against drilling for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, though he was often asked.
People of the lakes; stories of our Van Tat Gwich'in Elders/Googwandak Nakhwach'anjoo Van Tat Gwich'in.
Since my dad is Gwich'in, that makes me and my brothers and sister mixed.
The common issues which the Gwich'in and Treaty 8 people face are mostly related to dealing with governments.
Lankard, of the Eyak community of Cordova; Evon Peter, Chief of the Gwich'in Nation from Arctic Village; and Violet Yeaton, from Port Graham Village on Lower Cook Inlet, have joined hundreds of other Alaska Native to form the Alaska Native Oil and Gas Working Group.
In the Senate these next few weeks, the fate of our nation's most pristine wildlife refuge may be decided - along with the future of the Gwich'in people, the northernmost Athabascan tribe.
Alaska's Gwich'in Indians fear that proposed oil drilling on caribou calving grounds could end their ancient culture
"We have an opportunity with this show, with Molly of Denali,' to inform and to show us in a positive and respectful light," says Johnson, creative producer of the series and a member of an Athabascan group, Neets'aii Gwich'in.