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n.1.(Min.) A native hydrated silicate of alumina, lime, and potash, first noticed near Rome.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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Formation of the aluminosilicate zeolite gismondine is also observed.
The present study was prompted by a serendipitous discovery of well-formed crystals of gismondine, chabazite-Ca and mesolite in a road cut near Laurel, Quebec, by Canadian Museum of Nature staff in 1983.
Gismondine Ca[[Al.sub.2][Si.sub.2][O.sub.8]] x 4.5[H.sub.2]O
Short mineralogical notes on natrolite, thomsonite, phillipsite, gismondine and analcime assemblages were presented by Muhlstein and Fengl (1977), gmelinite by Barta and Rychly (1979) and Rychly et al.
The zeolites, such as analcime, gismondine, natrolite, thomsonite, and barium-bearing phillipsite-Ca were observed in irregular vugs and larger amyg-daloidal cavities within the zeolitized trachyandesite facies.
Gismondine [Ca.sub.4]([Al.sub.8][Si.sub.8][O.sub.32])*16[H.sub.2]O
(= roggianite) (1997), 1571 Gismondite (= gismondine) Coombs et al.: Can.
The type localities for no less than eight of the approximately 49 known zeolites (barrerite, dachiardite, gismondine, merlinoite, montesommaite, phillipsite, pollucite, and willhendersonite) are within its borders.