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(Placename) a port in N New Zealand, on E North Island on Poverty Bay. Pop: 44 900 (2004 est)
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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"I dwell by dale and down," quoth he, "And Robin to take I'm sworn; And when I am called by my right name, I am Guy of good Gisborne."
Now there was a certain Guy of Gisborne, a hireling knight of the King's army, who heard of Robin and of the price upon his head.
"Marry, it shall be done." And he set about giving orders, while Guy of Gisborne sallied forth disguised.
"By my troth, that is Sir Guy of Gisborne's horn," quoth the Sheriff; "and he bade me not to delay answering its summons.
One swift lunge, and Sir Guy of Gisborne staggered backward with a deep groan, Robin's sword through his throat.
"Robin Hood and Guy of Gisborne had a fight; and he that wears Robin's cloak lies under the covert yonder."
Give Sir Guy of Gisborne your horse; while others of you bury that dog of an outlaw where he lies.
But now that I have slain the master, let me put an end to the man; so it shall be said that Guy of Gisborne despatched the two greatest outlaws of England in one day."
Among the best or most representative single ballads are: The Hunting of the Cheviot (otherwise called The Ancient Ballad of Chevy Chase--clearly of minstrel authorship); Sir Patrick Spens; Robin Hood and Guy of Gisborne; Adam Bell, Clym of the Clough, and William of Cloudeslee; Captain Car, or Edom o' Gordon; King Estmere (though this has been somewhat altered by Bishop Percy, who had and destroyed the only surviving copy of it); Edward, Edward; Young Waters; Sweet William's Ghost; Lord Thomas and Fair Annet.
The Generator is currently operating in Auckland, North Waikato, Porirua, Whanganui, and Gisborne.
Tesco finest* Gisborne Chardonnay (PS9) is nurtured in the Gisborne region on the North Island.