Check hook

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a hook on the saddle of a harness, over which a checkrein is looped.

See also: Check

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in periodicals archive ?
Preux could not believe his luck when his left hand check hook landed on the jaw of the former light heavyweight champion Shogun Rua and decked him to the floor.
Question marks over his confidence were brushed aside as Mathews' check hook sent the Scot down to the canvas early in the first before his jab came into play in the second.
During the latter rounds, Pacquiao said chief trainer Buboy Fernandez cautioned him against Broner's check hooks and snappy counters.
The remaining two rounds comprised of Akbar catching Suttie with repeated check hooks until the Southerner fell into a tremendous counter right hand, causing the referee to call for a third count.
Mathews found one of his own which sent his rival briefly off course before a duo of check hooks with the left again started to mount the hurt on Lawton.