Check book

Also found in: Legal.
Related to Check book: checkbook journalism, Cheque book
a book containing blank forms for checks upon a bank.

See also: Check

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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For the sake of a digression, he took up a check book from the table.
Your check book is locked in my drawer, and you have not asked for the key.
In order to prevent these wandering bugs before they go on the move, be sure to check book bags routinely, to be proactive about these pests.
Matt Sumners Also stop HS2/3 and sort out what we have first and get the magic check book out and give us what your mates promised us as you managed to find the money to get the DUP on your side but not for anything else.
The digital branch will allow customers to perform a number of transactions without the need for human intervention, including cardless cash withdrawals or deposits, check book printing, as well instant card issuance through the use of a self-service kiosk.
Whether he was teaching his mother-in-law how to balance a check book, jumping a neighbor's car, stopping to help a stranded motorist, or cheering on a fellow bowler, you knew he would be there if you needed him.
They also found a blank check book, five ATM cards, five mobile phones, one tablet, one pocket WIFI, unused foils and empty sachets.
Go ask the cops to give you back your check book. We have nothing to do with this."
Thus far, Floyd Mayweather's only response to his illiteracy has come from his check book. He posted a photo on Twitter and Instagram with the caption, "Read this $72,276,000.00.
Faiq Sadiq Group head of HBL said, "This agreement shall enable us to provide efficient, reliable and cost effective services for the employees of PTCL" This partnership shall enable PTCL employees to avail various HBL banking services and state of the art alternate delivery channels including utility and mobile bill payments, branchless banking, internet banking, credit card, interbank funds transfer facility, check book requests, One-link and M-Net usage and Pakistan's largest HBL ATM network.
As he didn't have the check book, he asked his wife to write the check.