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Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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If, I say, while these sacred rites, which are in common to genus omne animantium, are in agitation between the stag and his mistress, any hostile beasts should venture too near, on the first hint given by the frighted hind, fierce and tremendous rushes forth the stag to the entrance of the thicket; there stands he centinel over his love, stamps the ground with his foot, and with his horns brandished aloft in air, proudly provokes the apprehended foe to combat.
The pseudonymous Centinel suggested that the Constitution was a plot by the "wealthy and ambitious." By gaining the "concurrence of the two men in whom America has the highest confidence"--namely, George Washington and Benjamin Franklin--they could complete their "long meditated schemes of power and aggrandizement." (8) Federal Farmer named Robert Morris, the wealthy financier of the revolution who "avariciously grasp [ed] at all power and property" because he disliked "free and equal government" and wished "to change, essentially, the form of government in this country." (9) In the populist mindset, popular government is often under threat from a cabal of the wealthy few, who have in mind the corruption of the link between representative and citizen.
(335.) By Last Evening's MAILS, Connecticut, COLUMBIAN CENTINEL (Boston), May 11, 1791, at 66.
Fine is to be succeeded by Rebeca Romero Rainey, CEO of Centinel Bank in Taos.
Fairly typical was the reaction of a contributor to the Gettysburg Centinel, who wrote: "Thus have the EXECUTIVE PROSECUTIONS been seasonably arrested & the rod of the oppressor has been broken.
The company's new Centinel technology targets genes that play a role in MVM susceptibility.
And lest anyone put forth the argument that it was only the supporters of the Constitution (known as "Federalists") that held this belief, consider the statement made by the anonymous opponent of the Constitution (the so-called Anti-Federalists) writing under the name "Centinel":
McAvoy has joined the independent broker dealer firm, affiliating with the company his local Centinel Financial Group of Needham Heights, MA.
This effort, however, was not to be as Governor Caleb Strong (whose support was necessary for such an initiative), appeared to have undermined the project: possibly preferring to end the hostilities than expand them, Strong likely leaked information of the planned expedition (which appeared in the Boston Centinel for all--including the British--to see) (Stagg 1983, 476).
(157) See, e.g., Reply to Wilson's Speech: "Centinel" [Samuel Bryan] 11, Freeman's Journal (Philadelphia), Oct.