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a.1.Pertaining to Catiline, the Roman conspirator; resembling Catiline's conspiracy.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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A Catilinarian plague, of which Cicero warned, is now upon us!
Cicero's suppression of the Catilinarian conspiracy during his consulship in 63 B.C.
"Rhetoric and the Crisis of Legitimacy in Cicero's Catilinarian Orations." Rethinking the History of Rhetoric: Multidsciplinary Esscys on the Rhetoricd Tmdtion.
In addition to the Catilinarian conspiracy thwarted by Cicero, the assassination of Julius Caesar, the machinations of the first and second triumvirates to control and ultimately undermine the republic, and a long list of emperors who died in office but not in their beds, there is the simple fact that even in the golden age of the republic Roman politics was a game played largely by a small number of senatorial families.
Even Cicero's contemporaries accused him of excessive application of the death penalty, for instance, in connection with the Catilinarian conspiracy.
Grice's analysis of utterance-meaning and Cicero's Catilinarian apostrophe.
This section's title must strike the sympathetic student of Cicero's Consulship as incongruous: no reader of the Fourth Catilinarian can doubt that Cicero's willingness to take responsibility for putting the captured conspirators to death--a step he accurately predicted would pit him in an unending war with his enemies (60) and lead to dire consequences for himself (61)--was a crucial factor in the Senate's decision to support Cato against Caesar.
It also quotes from Sallust's description of the Catilinarian conspiracy (Sempronia, Cat.
As consul at the time of the Catilinarian conspiracy he had the Senate declare a state of siege, and he then had the conspirators summarily killed without trial.
Avelina Carrera de la Red's "La rebelion de Martin Cortes segun Juan Suarez de Peralta (Mexico, 1589), una 'catilinaria' al estilo criollo" identifies the points of contact between the insurrection of the Spanish nobility in sixteenth-century Mexico and the Catilinarian conspiracy of 63 BC.