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[ˈkæθərɪn] NCatalina
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
References in classic literature ?
'Leave thy child, Catharine, for his place is here, and go hence, for I have other work for thee.
"Fear not for Catharine," replied the old Quaker, "for I know that valiant woman, and have seen how she can bear the cross.
"Catharine, blessed woman!" exclaimed the old man, "art thou come to this darkened land again?
As Catharine spoke, her eyes were roaming about the room, in search of him for whose sake security was dear to her.
Hitherto, Catharine, thou hast been as one journeying in a darksome and difficult path, and leading an infant by the hand; fain wouldst thou have looked heavenward continually, but still the cares of that little child have drawn thine eyes and thy affections to the earth.
"I am a woman, I am but a woman; will He try me above my strength?" said Catharine very quickly, and almost in a whisper.
The agonized shriek of Catharine was answered by the faint, the very faint, voice of a child.
Let me refer you for an account to Miss Catharine Alan, who uses words herself more admirably than any one I know."
She opened the window to inspect, and a cold blast entered the room, drawing a plaintive cry from Miss Catharine Alan, who entered at the same moment by the door.
Meantime the nearest bridge had been illuminated, and from several rafts anchored in the river, meteor showers of rockets, Roman candles, bombs, serpents, and Catharine wheels were being discharged in wasteful profusion into the sky--a marvelous sight indeed to a person as little used to such spectacles as I was.
It was a fallen headboard, and painted on it were the hardly decipherable words, "Catharine Larue."
They were waiting at the entrance of the Rue Sainte Catharine, and their horses were fastened to the rings of the arcade.