Catharanthus roseus

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Noun1.Catharanthus roseus - commonly cultivated Old World woody herb having large pinkish to red flowersCatharanthus roseus - commonly cultivated Old World woody herb having large pinkish to red flowers
Catharanthus, genus Catharanthus - small genus of erect annual or perennial herbs native to Madagascar; widely naturalized in the tropics; formerly included in genus Vinca
herb, herbaceous plant - a plant lacking a permanent woody stem; many are flowering garden plants or potherbs; some having medicinal properties; some are pests
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References in periodicals archive ?
Flowering vinca (Catharanthus roseus) grows about a foot tall and blooms in pink, purple, magenta, red, white and bicolors over glossy green foliage.
Catharanthus roseus (Apocynaceae) naturally infected with diverse phytoplasmas in Costa Rica
The researchers suspect something similar occurs in the synthesis of anti-cancer drugs vincristine and vinblastine from Madagascan periwinkle, Catharanthus roseus, and elsewhere in olive and snapdragon plants.
Paclobutrazol enhances photosynthesis and ajmalicine production in Catharanthus roseus. Process Biochemistry, v.42, p.1566-1570, 2007.
Many anticancer drugs are plant-based: taxol, first isolated from Pacific yew, saves at least 30,000 lives per year in the United States; vincristine and vinblastine are derived from the alkaloids of periwinkle (Catharanthus roseus), known locally as tsitsirika.
Alterations in osmoregulations, antioxidant enzymes and indole alkaloid levels in Catharanthus roseus exposed to water deficit.
(2011) where it was shown that SA treatment ameliorated the adverse effects of salt stress in terms of growth parameters in Catharanthus roseus. Similarly, SA treatment enhanced the growth of maize (Khodary, 2004), mustard (Yusuf et al., 2008) and barley (El Tayeb, 2005) under NaCl stress.
In Brazil, however, ornamental plants are irrigated with good-quality water and information on their tolerance to salinity, and particularly 'Boa noite' (Catharanthus roseus), is limited and sporadic.
Madagascar Periwinkle (Catharanthus roseus) This ornamental plant grows well throughout the tropics worldwide, and some subtropical areas, including Sarasota.
thesis entitled "Screening of Antifungal Compound Isolated from Catharanthus roseus L.