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v. t.1.To broil. [Obs.] "We had a calf's head carboned".
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in periodicals archive ?
Carbone ran last year in hopes of becoming the first woman and first Democrat to be elected as a Garrett County commissioner in 25 years.
That's when Matteo Carbone and Adrian Jones, the guest editors for the "Innovation and Strategy" section of the Nov/Dec edition of ( Carrier Management's print magazine, published the ( first of a series of articles about the InsurTech carrier financials on LinkedIn, specifically the results of three U.S.
If you haven't managed to catch the solo photography exhibition Isolato-Splendido-Marginale by Mario Carbone, then you are in luck as the exhibition has been extended to September 7.
Dundee-area firefighter Damian Carbone always is willing to take the shirt off his back for someone in need, friend Charlie Myers said.
Piero Carbone, The Poet Sings for All/Lu pueta canta pi tutti, A Bilingual Anthology, Introduction and translation into English Verse by Gaetano Cipolla, Legas: Mineola, NY, Ottawa, CA, 2014, 90 pp.; 9781939693001, $ 12.00 (pbk).
M2 EQUITYBITES-September 15, 2016-Lithia Motors Buys Carbone New York Dealership Group
WAS Benito Carbone the man to solve Boro's problems in front of goal?
L'oxygenotherapie hyperbare (OHB) est le traitement de reference dans l'intoxication au monoxyde de carbone (CO), a precise Karim Habi, medecin lieutenant-colonel charge des missions specifiques et specialiste de la medecine hyperbare a la Protection civile.
Eecrit par Ouardirhi Abdelaziz Intoxication au monoxyde de carbone Chaque annee, et plus particulierement en hiver comme c'est le cas actuellement, des centaines de citoyens sont victimes d'intoxications au monoxyde de carbone, et plusieurs deces sont malheureusement repertories.
William Carbone, executive director of Connecticut's Judicial Branch Court Support Services Division, said that the drop comes from a number of strategies and years of effort in reducing the recidivism rate.
Frank Carbone and ECOs Alena Lawston, Jeremy Eastwood and Brian Farrish conducted patrols focusing on horseshoe crab harvesting in Riverhead and Southampton.