
(redirected from Battle of Langemarck)
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(Placename) a village in NW Belgium, in West Flanders province: the scene of heavy fighting during the third battle of Ypres in World War I during which 245 000 British troops were lost
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On 17th August 1917 they were at the Battle of Langemarck and on 22nd August were fighting for Zevenkote.
While fighting at the battle of Langemarck in World War I, Junger reports experiencing a "gestalt-switch" that was beginning to "stamp" all beings as raw material for enhancing the power of the worker.
Passchendaele's succession of battles ran on through the summer - the 12th battalion lost seven officers and 300 men during the Battle of Langemarck in mid-August, while in September the heavy rains returned, turning the battleground around Menin Road Ridge into a lethal bog of liquid mud.