BBC English

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BBC English

A pronunciation of British English based on the speech of the upper class of southeastern England, formerly used as a broadcast standard in British media.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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To go back to the 1950s, with the BBC English accent and Bill and Ben the flowerpot men is not an option, although I do remember it.
A letter of complaint issued by the External Publicity Wing of the Information Ministry stated that BBC English and BBC Urdu both had published a story which 'not only presented a fabricated theme, but also violated journalistic ethos'.
The complaint, filed by the Ministry of Information, Broadcasting and National Heritage, stated that BBC English and BBC Urdu published the story which 'not only presents a fabricated theme but it also violated journalistic ethos'.
While it may seem slightly odd if your child is picking up a strong BBC English accent, experts assure that this kind of mimicking is simply a matter of exposure.
David Holdsworth, Controller of BBC English Regions, said: "This is a major advance in the partnership which will significantly improve the reporting on councils and public institutions, leading to greater public accountability for our local politicians."
Controller of BBC English Regions, David Holdsworth, said: "This is a major advance in the partnership which will significantly improve the reporting on councils and public institutions, leading to greater public accountability for our local politicians." As part of its Charter commitment, the BBC is investing up to PS8m million in the Local News Partnerships during the next nine years to the end of the Charter in 2026.
She was a prolific writer of books for the very young, notably Andy Pandy, but it was for her distinct 'BBC English' enunciation that she is best remembered.
He added: "BBC English regions produces around 52 per cent of all BBC output - with daily regional TV News in 12 regions, weekly current affairs and politics shows in 11 regions, 39 local radio stations and 42 local websites.
Landor says BBC's Arabic language service is not the "replica" of BBC English, or any of the 28 language services for that matter.
Many of these people are fluent in English, but still have a strong accent that impedes clear understanding, so Speak Easily has released the eBook as a practical way to learn how to speak with a Received Pronunciation (RP) accent, which is sometimes known as Standard English, or BBC English.
Fahmy met with reporters from the BBC English language service, Reuters and Euronews, as well as with a number of American, Japanese, Chinese and German news networks, in order to avoid "misinformation in the foreign media", the statement continued.
"The reporter of the BBC English service is covering the election in Iran," Mohammad Nasser Haqiqat told reporters in Tehran on Friday.