Anti-Corn Law League

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Anti-Corn Law League

1. (Historical Terms) an organization founded in 1839 by Richard Cobden and John Bright to oppose the Corn Laws, which were repealed in 1846
2. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) an organization founded in 1839 by Richard Cobden and John Bright to oppose the Corn Laws, which were repealed in 1846
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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His father was present at the Peterloo massacre and his mother was associated with the Anti-Corn Law League.
WHEN did the Anti-Corn Law League form in Manchester?
17) John Bright 1811-1889: Anti-Crimean War Liberal, leader of Anti-Corn Law League.
A leading figure in the Anti-Corn Law League, that sought to stop subsidies to farmers and hence Conservative landlords, Cobden became an MP in 1846.
He was a key member of the Anti-Corn Law League which, with the Manchester School, drove the greatest economic change in 19th century British history.
McKay sees the Anti-Corn Law League as a special site of successful class co-operation.
They were sufficiently militant to do battle with the police, but in other respects they seem to have been less noteworthy than contemporary middle-class women who were active in the anti-slavery movement and the Anti-Corn Law League. Hall consigns the names of their leaders to a footnote.
She claims that the geographic concentration of the textile industry facilitated the creation of the Anti-Corn Law League and its development into an effective lobbying group.
Northern Rock, the flourishing Newcastle-based bank, could owe its roots to two of the greatest 19th Century reformers, Richard Cobden and John Bright of the Anti-Corn Law League.
Cobden's intention was to persuade Martineau to use her considerable propagandist powers to further the cause of the Anti-Corn Law League, the motivating centre of the campaign against economic protectionism.
The Anti-Corn Law League was formed in 1839 to campaign for the repeal of the Corn Laws.

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