
Related to Allfours: all fours position


1.A game at cards, called "High, Low, Jack, and the Game."
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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He is rather a short fellow, with an unshaven appearance and whose knuckles tend to drag along the floor, giving the appearance of being on allfours.
Onlookers saw Mr McDonald pull himself back up on to allfours but as players ran to his aid he collapsed again.
The five-time champion jockey suffered concussion when his mount Baron Allfours fell in division two of the maiden chase on July 23.
McCoy was injured when his Baron Allfours fell was taken to hospital for a check-up.
ON August 18 at Fontwell Park, Zoe Davison had her first winner for more than four years with the 11-year-old previous maiden Baron Allfours, who was running under Rules for the 31st time.
East Grinstead trainer Zoe Davidson gained her first winner since Summer Flower won an Exeter seller in April 1999 when Baron Allfours lost his maiden tag at the age of 11 and at the 31st time of asking, while owners David and Lesley Byrne got their just reward when Klondike Charger finally came good after a near three-year wait and completed a double for Andrew Thornton.
Croc An Oir and Alan O'Keeffe, left clear after Corkan got rid of his rider down the far side, landed the conditional jockeys' handicap chase by 18 lengths from Baron Allfours.
This afternoon McCoy-currently nine wins behind Richard Johnson-returns to the venue where he was left briefly unconscious after a heavy fall from maiden chaser Baron Allfours on July 23.
The champion jump jockey was injured when Baron Allfours came down heavily at the sixth fence in the Phoenix Roofing & Flooring Contractors Maiden Chase (Div 2).
In the restricted the frequently-placed Baron Allfours finally gave a first win of the year to Patrick Millington, who arrived with a boxload of horses.
Bright Approach just lasted home by a neck as Patrick Millington came with a great run on outsider Baron Allfours, whose box-companion on the journey from the Midlands, Father's Joy, crashed when leading at the last fence in Mosta's maiden.
Chris Gordon won two, the confined and the maiden, with Sovereign Spray and Lillooet respectively, and Dominic Parker took a very slow restricted on Florabalda after Patrick Millington's Baron Allfours fell three out with the race looking won.