Shacknews LoL

Created by Thom W.
  • 42 lols
    By: quazar
    Stepped aside is a nice way of saying forced out. The dems successfully performed one of the greatest bloodless coups in history!
    I know everyone is excited about Harris, rightfully so, but I fear this late game replacement of a candidate with no voting from the citizens required will come back and haunt this nation.
    I hope they change the rules about this so it does not happen again.

    Imagine Taylor Swiift runs for president, gets crazy # of votes and then 3 months before drops out and names some life long politician as her replacement.
    I know people love to talk about all the crazy shit Trump/Republicans might do, but how Harris got the nom still bothers me.

    I think she is a great person and a capable leader, I just wish she went through the normal process.
  • 10 lols
    By: Masem
    Trump wants a strategic bitcoin reserve to be held by the fed gov't, converting all the bitcoin that has been seized by the feds into that
  • 10 lols
    By: Masem
    Catholic priest who was caught using Grindr and fired trying to sue Grindr for exposing he was gay.
  • 7 lols
    By: ChibiJosh
    All of them! The "Next Track" button on my Zune broke years ago.
  • 6 lols
    By: gameindustryplant
    remember when you were 28 and saw iron man and it was cool

    maybe if you watch 1 more marvel movie you'll feel something
  • 6 lols
    By: AxeMan808
    Why Nepo Babies Don't Get Biopics
    *Ryan George

  • 5 lols
    By: dognose
    I would be cautiously optimistic that most of the selected jurors have fucked a couch
  • 5 lols
    By: baconisgod
    From the "Trump isn't really serious" crowd comes this gem, from a professor at Berkeley no less!

    I'm not one to defend Trump, but I disagree w/the many claiming that Trump said there would be no more elections if he wins. I hear him more as just saying he'll do such a fantastic job he'll save the country so the stakes of future elections will be a lot lower.
  • 4 lols
    By: Arcanum
    Crypto-bros: "We don't need or want government involvement in cryptocurrency!"
    Also crypto-bros: "Oooh yes legitimize me Uncle Sam uwu!"
  • 4 lols
    By: Korban
    Welcome to Jackass! I'm Kamala Harris, and this is the orange shit stain removal.