Keith 'Roaring Kitty' Gill confirms that he only owns GameStop (GME) stock and options

Roaring Kitty denied any potential thought that he's investing in company's other than GameStop.


This morning, Keith “Roaring Kitty” Gill, held his first livestream in over three years, where he updated viewers on his stock portfolio and talked about his recent return to social media. Gill’s recent streak of memes and the return of his YOLO Update have had GameStop (GME) stock back on the rise, and it’s had a residual effect on other companies as well. However, Roaring Kitty has set the record straight, stating that he only owns stock and options in GameStop.

Keith Gill spoke about his current relationship with GameStop during a June 7 livestream on his YouTube channel. With his arm in a sling and his face covered in band-aids, Gill welcomed his viewers back, addressing his activity over the past month and fielding questions from the live chat.

Keith Gill wearing an arm sling and bandages in front of a GME stock chart from his June 7, 2024 livestream.

While GameStop has always been the focus of Gill’s online activities, many investors have also attempted to prop up AMC, the popular theater chain, as another cheap stock poised for a meteoric rise. It’s caused some to speculate as to whether or not Gill has invested in AMC or another company in addition to his GameStop holdings, but that is categorically false.

With Keith Gill clarifying that he only owns GameStop stock, that should put to bed any speculation that he has his fingers in multiple pies. During the livestream, he also confirmed that he works alone and that he’s been the one creating and posting all of his movie clips and memes on social media over the past several weeks.

News Editor

Donovan is a young journalist from Maryland, who likes to game. His oldest gaming memory is playing Pajama Sam on his mom's desktop during weekends. Pokémon Emerald, Halo 2, and the original Star Wars Battlefront 2 were some of the most influential titles in awakening his love for video games. After interning for Shacknews throughout college, Donovan graduated from Bowie State University in 2020 with a major in broadcast journalism and joined the team full-time. He is a huge Scream nerd and film fanatic that will talk with you about movies and games all day. You can follow him on twitter @Donimals_

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