
Release Date

PlayStation Store

  • US 24th Apr 2018
Also Available On


  • Review To Leave (PS4)

    Magical door knocking

    Difficulty is a bit of a touchy subject when it comes to video games. On occasion it can be the element that elevates a title to the next level, with the likes of Dark Souls, Bloodborne, and Nioh using their tough nature as an advantage. On the other hand, however, a brutal difficulty has the potential to lead to...

Screenshots 5

To Leave Screenshot
To Leave Screenshot
To Leave Screenshot
To Leave Screenshot
To Leave Screenshot

About The Game

Harm's Door is very delicate! Even the slightest touch against seemingly harmless things and, whoosh!, the Door will burst open, absorbing Harm and setting him back, sometimes to the loss of all progress, and right into the very life he fought so hard to leave behind. 

Still, Harm will always keep trying to leave, for memory of his life in Candice will keep propelling him to start again, until he's able overcome all adversity, and finally break free…