
creating PC Games Coverage

  • 39 members
  • 159 posts
  • $26.05/month
Hello everyone! My name is John Papadopoulos and I'm one of the founders of DSOGaming. DSOGaming is created by a team of three passionate fellas (me, John and Thomas) and over the past few years we've been doing our best to keep PC gamers up to date with everything that has been happening in the PC gaming frontier.

What Is DSOGaming?

DSOGaming was created in 2011. Our goal has always been to bring stories that were not influenced in any way by the big publishers. As a result of that, we never partnered with any publisher when it came to our website's revenue. We also never featured a sponsored content from any publisher. It was - and still is - crucial to us to be as objective as we can, and be bold enough to say things publishers would not like to hear. 

As a result of that, we've decided to use a number of ad networks in order to keep DSOGaming alive. However, we feel that this needs to be changed. With Patreon, we aim to replace - and even completely remove - our ads from our website. Yes, our ultimate plan is to offer an ads-free gaming website (provided we hit our funding goal).

DSOGaming has been featured in a lot of gaming websites as a source. Our stories were picked up by Kotaku, PCGamer, PCGamesHardware, RockPaperShotgun, WCCFTECH, Eurogamer, BluesNews and most other major gaming websites.

On a daily basis, PC gamers can expect to find interesting PC gaming news (both for indie and triple-A games), media and mods for a number of games. In addition, DSOGaming offers PC Performance Analysis articles for all the triple-A games, as well as Interviews with a select number of developers and First Impressions articles for various indie games.

Why Patreon?
The reason we’re looking to Patreon for extra funding is because we want to get rid of our ad networks. We believe that with your support, we'll be able to keep doing what we've been doing these past four years, without having to worry about the future of DSOGaming.

Understand that like you, we are gamers. And like you, we hate all those advertising exclusive deals. We hate having to rely on a publisher in order to get a review code of a game. Actually, this past year we've been getting Review codes from GreenManGaming because most publishers refused to provide us with Review codes of their games. And that was because we were not playing their game. We were, are, and will always be honest with our readers. 

With your support, we will be able to purchase new equipment, pay our staff freelance rates for the work that they do, and buy games to test when publishers refuse to send us Review codes.

Rewards and Funding Tiers
Unfortunately at this stage there won't be any rewards for backers. However, it's crucial to note that there won't be any paywall. Our content will remain free and available to everyone. Not only that, but we won't bother your with ridiculous FB pop-ups that ask you to like our page in order to view our content.

Moreover, we can guarantee that DSOGaming will stay a PC gaming website. However, backers will not be able to determine the content of DSOGaming. We believe you want to help us keep doing what we've doing all this time, and not point out what to cover and what to say about specific titles.

Currently there are four monthly funding tiers:

Once we reach $400, we will completely remove our Interstitial Ad. This is something that annoyed a lot of our fans, and it's something we want to get rid as soon as possible.

Then, if we reach $1000, we will remove two of our four ad networks. Among other things - like not having to contact ad networks for audio ads or redirects - this will make our website faster.

Once we reach $2000 we will remove all of our ad networks except of Google Adsense. 

Finally, once we reach $3000, we will remove all of our ads and DSOGaming will be ads-free.

Anything higher than that will be used to purchase new equipment so we can bring you more benchmarks and PC Hardware Reviews.

And That Is All
To be honest, there is nothing more to add. We love PC gaming, we love DSOGaming, and we want to keep serving you, our readers. We've always been transparent about what's going on with DSOGaming and we've never silenced anyone in our comments sections. And we intend to keep doing this for as long as we can. Not only that, but we really want to improve things for our readers, which is why we want to remove all of our ads. There hasn't been an ads-free PC gaming website, and with your support we intend to be the first one.

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