
creating Game Mods and Software

  • 19 members
  • 7 posts

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The Bronze tier will give you access to the Secret Lair on Discord, where you can access closed beta and experimental months ahead of their source code releases.

As an added bonus, you will be credited on all of my future mod releases on 5mods.
  • Access to the Secret Lair
  • Credited on future releases
  • Discord access 
 / month
The Silver tier will give you access to all of the benefits of the Bronze tier plus access to the design phase of mods.

Participating on the design phase of mods allow you to choose what things you want on future mods before they are made available to the public!
  • Access to the Secret Lair
  • Participate on the Design phase
  • Credited on future releases
  • Discord access 
Most popular
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The Gold Tier gives you access to all the benefits of the Silver tier and you as a character on my mods (limited to mods that support custom characters).
  • Access to the Secret Lair
  • Your name on a Mod Character
  • Participate on the Design phase
  • Credited on future releases
  • Discord access 

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