Metamorph Statistics: Challenges and Ascendancy Classes

"Deadeye is less popular in this bracket than....."

Kinda..gave tailwind to every class.
IGN : Relithh , Stronkberry
relithh wrote:
"Deadeye is less popular in this bracket than....."

Kinda..gave tailwind to every class.
To be fair, they gave elusive to every class too and assassins are still super popular.
Challenges are easier, and not locked behind RNG.
Metamorph MTX rewards are trash imo
Blight rewards was also ugly (helmet was a joke right ? It has to)

Give us something cool like legion aura effect
blight hurt my brain (and computer) at the time.
i just see a nerf incoming
idk if the challenges were particularly easier this league, but there was for sure less rng based stuff to do
xbox poe.. where people want e̶x̶a̶l̶t̶s̶ divines for junk items ¯\_༼ ಥ ‿ ಥ ༽_/¯
lol there are more witch-tradebots than necros playing :D
Please use for your guides instead of pastebin!
Now, you know that you have to nerf necromancer XD
Scion looks popular ...
Nice to see that you continue to balance toward almost no one achieving 36+. Time is a currency too - just one that I no longer spend here.

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