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Name Position E-mail
John Rairdin Director Send e-mail
Neal Ronaghan Owner/Reviews Editor Send e-mail
Justin Berube Features Editor Send e-mail
Jared Rosenberg Video Producer Send e-mail
Jordan Rudek Reviews Editor Send e-mail
Donald Theriault News Editor Send e-mail
Adam Abou-Nasr Associate Editor Send e-mail
Joel A. DeWitte Associate Editor Send e-mail
Patrick Barnett Associate Editor Send e-mail
Danny Bivens Associate Editor (Japan) Send e-mail
Nicholas Bray Associate Editor (Australia) Send e-mail
Andrew Brown Associate Editor (Australia) Send e-mail
Perry Burkum Associate Editor Send e-mail
Michael Cole Associate Editor Send e-mail
J.P. Corbran Community Manager Send e-mail
Alex Culafi Associate Editor Send e-mail
Allyson Cygan Associate Editor Send e-mail
James Dawson Associate Editor Send e-mail
Alex de Freitas Associate Editor Send e-mail
Joe DeVader Associate Editor Send e-mail
David Egolf Technical Lead Send e-mail
Casey Gibson Associate Editor Send e-mail
Steven Green Associate Editor Send e-mail
Ted Hazell Associate Editor Send e-mail
Willem Hilhorst Associate Editor Send e-mail
Becky Hollada Associate Editor Send e-mail
Trey Johnson Contributing Writer Send e-mail
James Jones Associate Editor Send e-mail
Aaron Kaluszka Associate Editor Send e-mail
Kimberly Keller Associate Editor Send e-mail
David Keremes Associate Editor Send e-mail
Jon Lindemann Associate Editor Send e-mail
Jonathan Metts Associate Editor Send e-mail
Zachary Miller Associate Editor Send e-mail
Xander Morningstar Associate Editor/Video Producer Send e-mail
Alex Orona Associate Editor Send e-mail
Mitchell Parton Associate Editor Send e-mail
Joe Patnick Programmer Send e-mail
Brett Posner-Ferdman Associate Editor Send e-mail
Carmine Red Associate Editor Send e-mail
Kelton Rice Associate Writer Send e-mail
Jacob Roberson Contributing Writer Send e-mail
Joshua Robin Associate Editor Send e-mail
Bryan Rose Associate Editor Send e-mail
Peter Spezia Associate Editor Send e-mail
Guillaume Veillette Podcast Editor Send e-mail
Dan Wasielewski Release Dates Send e-mail
Addison Webb Associate Editor Send e-mail
Matt West Associate Editor Send e-mail
Melanie Zawodniak Associate Editor Send e-mail
Anna Saurman Brown Contributing Writer Send e-mail
Mike Burgess Contributing Writer Send e-mail
Andy Goergen Semi-Retired Almunus Send e-mail
Matt Walker Japan Correspondent Send e-mail
Karlie Yeung Europe Correspondent Send e-mail
Paige Chamberlain Contributing Writer Send e-mail
Ben Congalton Contributing Writer Send e-mail
Alex Cooke Contributing Writer Send e-mail
Aiden Crawford Contributing Writer Send e-mail
Kelly DeWitte Contributing Writer Send e-mail
Ty Edwards Contributing Writer Send e-mail
Joshua Garrison Contributing Writer Send e-mail
Julia Gomez Contributing Writer Send e-mail
Ryan Grove Contributing Writer Send e-mail
Gregg Harris Contributing Author Send e-mail
Martin Hollis Contributing Author Send e-mail
Jordan Loades Contributing Author Send e-mail
Drew Martorelli Contributing Writer Send e-mail
Steven Mattern Contributing Writer Send e-mail
Justin Nation Contributing Writer Send e-mail
Christian Oberly Contributing Writer Send e-mail
Elisabeth Orihuela Contributing Writer Send e-mail
Philip Orona Contributing Writer Send e-mail
Talk Nintendo Podcast NWR Contributor Send e-mail
Scott Polhemus Contributing Writer Send e-mail
Kaytee Rairdin Graphic Designer Send e-mail
John Rogers Contributing Writer Send e-mail
Jack Soukup Contributing Writer Send e-mail
Gregory Soyk Contributing Writer Send e-mail
Katharyn Strachan Contributing Writer Send e-mail
Xavier Tuvio Contributing Writer Send e-mail


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Switch Auto Empire: Car Dealer Simulator Jul 24

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