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Wasteland Ghost aka wghost81

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  1. wghost81
    • premium
    • 714 kudos
    The mod is currently NOT updated for 4.0+ (Next Gen) version of the game. Right now I am not working on updating it because there are a lot (and I mean a LOT) of files to check and I don't have enough time to dive into it.
  2. wghost81
    • premium
    • 714 kudos
    Do not post compilation errors and compatibility issues in Bugs section - they're not bugs. Pay attention to required files, read the readme, read the guide, use Script Merger and ask down below if you can't figure it out on your own.

    Quick note: 1.31, 1.31(A) and 1.32 are essentially the same game versions. If your modded game doesn't start after 1.32 update, verify the cache and reinstall all the mods (including Unification Patch).

    Discord server for Ghost Mods discussions. GitHub repository for the mod.

    How progressive levelups option works in Ghost Mode.

    Known issue:
    When you load the game from newly added checkpoint save in Bloody Baron's quest (lifting a curse from botchling, fighting wraiths phase), botchling will not spawn properly, but you will be able to use Axii on Baron to calm him down and all quest stages will work properly. Upon reaching destination point, botchling will spawn properly and will be present during the cutscene.

    You don't need no fixes for vanilla bugs with Ghost Mode! Because they're either already fixed, or the effect is changed to work differently.

    My modlist.

    Incompatible mods:
    Everything that changes equipment, skills, recipes, schematics, traders, loot, combat, enemy AI and/or resistances is incompatible. Ghost Mode is an overhaul, it's not compatible with other balance changing mods, doesn't matter if those mods add just one new skill or alter just one existing sword a bit - they won't be compatible! In general, if you see any non-script conflicts in Script Merger with Ghost Mode - it's incompatible and you should at least give GM a priority (which might result in another mod not working properly) or reconsider your mod list.
  3. wghost81
    • premium
    • 714 kudos
    Warning! Do not use any other rebalance mods with GM, especially ones that change xml files! By letting those mods override GM changes you're breaking GM balance! If you do so, please, don't post bugreports and especially balance reports - I won't do anything about it.

    If you have problems with stamina management::
    1. Consider the type of armor you're using: heavier armor consumes more stamina and although it grants more protection, your character might not being build to utilize it properly. Using it also requires some adjustments to playstyle: not dodging/rolling attacks, but standing your ground and parrying/countering instead.
    2. Casting signs with stamina in heavy armor is suicide. And yes, it's intentional, because heavy armor is not a traditional witcher armor and requires special approach.
    3. If you do want to cast signs while using heavy armor, buy Rage Management skill and invest in adrenaline gain.
    4. Light armor grants little protection, but has stamina cost bonuses, if you're used to rolling and dodging a lot, light armor might be the way to go for you.

    How to help with debugging:
    Save VERY often and to different slots. Never erase your old saves. Always save before important event or fight.
    If you notice anything strange about NPC levels, damage or anything about witcher skills, etc., make a save at an appropriate point of the game (go back if needed), upload it and link to your post with explanations on how to trigger the bug/see the problem.

    How to test potential AI bugs:
    1. Save the game using manual save.
    2. Quit the game, locate your Mods folder and rename it to something like ModsBackup. This will temporarily reset your game to vanilla while still keeping all your mods' settings.
    3. Load the game, load the save and test if the problem persists.

    How to report bugs/balance problems:
    1. Provide a full list of installed mods.
    2. Provide a full list of your menu settings for Ghost Mode (or take a screenshot and link it in your post).
    3. Write in detail about the bug and how to reproduce it.
    4. If you have a save file - upload it to any free file sharing service and link it to your post.
    5. Please, do not insert screenshots and long error messages in your posts - use file sharing services instead and only post links.

    Compilation errors are NOT bugs, so, please, don't post them in the bugreports section! Read the modding guide and if you can't resolve the problem yourself, post about it in the comments!
  4. wghost81
    • premium
    • 714 kudos
    A lot of posts here since I'm not very active on Nexus forums, so I won't be able to answer everything.

    Just a couple of notes regarding the mod:
    - I consider v4.0 feature complete. It's not the version of the mod I had in mind when I started 5 years ago, but it's something I'm happy with now.
    - GM is different from vanilla but still close to it. I tried to stick to all the original ideas behind skills, decoctions, mutations, etc. But some things that were not working well in my opinion I had to change. Yes, I'm talking mostly about stamina system.
    - I consider gameplay logic and balance to be the highest priority. Realism might seem good on paper, but in games it might be balance breaking and not fun at all.
    - You might consider my logic flawed, my decisions incorrect and my mod making the game worse than vanilla - it's your right and your opinion. If you disagree with my principles - there are a lot of other mods around as well as vanilla game.

    I will probably get back to the mod in the future as there still are things I would like to implement/change. But for now I want to take some time off. I'm still active on Discord if you have questions, but not very much on Nexus (yes, I dislike their new UI).

    Good luck, have fun and thank you to everyone who's been around for this wild ride or just joined!
  5. wghost81
    • premium
    • 714 kudos
    Greetings everyone.

    I'm not very actively modding TW3 right now, but I am in process of updating my mods for the next gen patch. Since I haven't yet tested them thoroughly, I'm uploading the updates to a google drive folder:

    Feel free to download, test and report any issues - preferably to my discord server as I'm more active there than here:

    Ghost Mode is a complex rework and I need to make sure it runs well with all the changes in the next gen patch, so it will take some time to update.
  6. Dusso
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    The new modding tools have been just released, will you come back to Witcher 3?
  7. Dusso
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I guess it would be safe to assume the mod is abandoned in it's current state and the author is not considering to update it to NGE, at least not with current modding conditions. Maybe he will reconsider to come back here once the new modding tools for W3 will be released sometime in 2024, but obviously not this year.
    Can anyone recommend any other mods worth to try instead of Ghost Mode?
    1. gibbothegracious
      • supporter
      • 7 kudos
      I am hoping that the new modding tools can allow someone to make this mod again. It's a damn shame it was abandoned. I haven't even tried to play NGE because I have been waiting for this, in vain it seems
    2. Dusso
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      yeah, same here unfortunatelly
    3. abilitydraft
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      Maybe he will reconsider to come back here once the new modding tools for W3
      'he' ?
    4. Waroull
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Yep me to. I havent played NGE and have been waiting since launch . I cannot not enjoy the game without this mod, its the way it was meant to played to me... 
      Now that this mod as been abandoned , does anyone know any good alternatives to this mod, otherwise this game is dead to me. 
    5. wghost81
      • premium
      • 714 kudos
      I can't say I abandoned the mod, it's rather I am disappointed in NGE and what that update did with the game. With all honesty - I simply can't find it in me to go in and do all the things I did ... again. I can, for sure, make a quick dirty port that just compiles under NGE, but obviously there will be no guarantee it will be bugs free - and this is why I'm not doing it and not encouraging people to go for "unofficial" updates. Big part of GM to me was to make things right, so skills actually work and actually do what their descriptions are saying.

      PS And with the editor promised I'm definitely waiting for it first before doing any moves. Though, TW3 is getting old and its mechanics are outdated by now, so it becomes less and less appealing both to play and mod. Dragon's Dogma 2 is very close and it promises to be at least a worthy successor to part 1.
    6. Dusso
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Well, thanks for answering, but you just confirmed, that the mod is abandoned, at least until official mod editor will be released, but even then you could be focusing on other games in that time so no promises for witcher 3 players;
      I would gladly play a dirty NGE port labeled as alpha or any unofficial update of this mod since you lost your passion for doing it again, unfotunatelly I lack the skills to do it myself
    7. Dusso
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      And as I can see now Dragon Dogma 2 needs a lot of modding lol
    8. perradb
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Very understandable, thanks for the response. Also very sad, as replaying the game without ghost mode is not an option anymore. Thanks for the best playthrough ever with your mods!
    9. abilitydraft
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      Which mechanics of Witcher3 are outdated?
  8. MadRacooN
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Today tried to install Ghost mode + Friendly HUD and found it has a lot, hundreds in like 10 files. Automatic merging didn't complete it and left me hundreds of conflicts to resolve. I'm pretty sure it's strange, because as I found these mods conflicts should be auto-resolved.
    1. Markazorax
      • premium
      • 5 kudos
      This mod isn't NextGen compatible. Doesn't work with 4.04. That's the first pinned comment. 
  9. balrogStyle
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    First of - this mod is the main reason I won't upgrade to NextGen, I can't really play the game without it!

    I want to do the following configutration, and I'd like to know if it's possible:
    - Melee attacks always available regarding the stamina,  but each action drain x amount from the stamina. If there's not enough stamina left set stamina to 0.
    - Counter same as melee, always available, but costs like x/2 the stamina.
    - Dodge always available, doesn't cost stamina, but halt stamina regeneration for 1 sec.
    - Roll NOT AVAILABLE if there's not enough stamina, cost 2x stamina to use.
    - Sign cost 65% of max stamina.

    Is there a configuration I can set so to have those kind of results?
    Thank you!!

    1. gibbothegracious
      • supporter
      • 7 kudos
      This mod is abandoned, you are unlikely to get a response
  10. ElvenNIghtChild
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    If/when you get this mod to a next gen compatible state, I would be happy to play witcher 3 again - I had my entire mod library built around what was or wasn't compatible with GhostMode. It's essential!
  11. BobrKulda
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    Best mod ever. I would compare it to NOTR ( gameplay wise ) for Gothic 2 or even L hiver mod for Gothic 2, once you play it you never play without it again, it becames bassicily like a patch. Its the only mod you need for witcher 3.
  12. Tomzo711
    • premium
    • 12 kudos
    Hey Ghost, I was wondering if you've begun to update GM? Not making demands or trying to come across rude or anything of that matter, I get why you're waiting, was just wondering if the game is in that stable place you were waiting for. Been waiting to do a new play through because I find this mod to be mandatory for my prefered experience to the game. In any case, hope all is well.
  13. Dusso
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    So, any progress with the mod update? We are all sooooo waiting, please let us play the new gen properly!
  14. WiseChimp7
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Should have checked whether this mod was updated before installing the game lol. 

    Guess we're waiting. 
  15. padamphet
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Little in trouble here. After installing all necessary mod,  I installed Bsserwisser patch . Prior to that I removed  ''modZBesserwisserScripts'' as mentionned. Then when I run Script merger, I have conflict bundle text and non text between GM and Bsserwisser  ( something like 10 or more conflict). It says DO NOT MERGE. Ok, but, what should I do, I am not really sure. Because everytime I will open script merger now, those conflicts will appear. Quite annoying. Should I ignore and install few more mods or is there a way to remove those conflicts ? I hope I am clear. I play 1.32 classic version, and follow guide to help me