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  1. Rim153153
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    New update 1.95
    Added RER 2.7.2
  2. Rim153153
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    New update 1.94
    Added RER 2.7
  3. Rim153153
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    I'm currently working on a new quest. The quest is amateur, so I will not make a separate page for it on this site, but just add it to this build.
    So the plans for now are just a quest.

    Nevertheless, I will do the quest as a separate mod, in view of the fact that there is a snag with the saves created after installing the quest mods. I will write a link here.

    New Quest - Strange things

    Slowly (VERY) working on the New Quest - Strange things 2.
    There was a problem with the fact that there is no hard disk space for a second copy of the witcher.
  4. Bigjo666
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hi, for some reason random encounter reworked does not work for me, I installed everything according to the instructions, all the mod settings are displayed in the game menu, but I have not met a single event for a long time, please help me, I really like this mod and would not like to abandon it
    1. Rim153153
      • member
      • 5 kudos
      RER still needs to run update-registry.bat.
      Read the in depth guide of mod RER
  5. YrdenNM
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    Still works with most recent upload of MCME for classic Witcher 3 

    shades of iron 
    daily monster hunt 
    got all working by installing, messed it up a few times but it does work.
  6. chiconspiracy
    • member
    • 6 kudos
    A few versions of mods required like MCM are no longer available, but I tried to follow the instructions closely and ended up getting this single error:

    Error [mod_sharedutils_helpers]local\sharedutils\helpers\ Class 'RandomNumberGenerator' already defined.
  7. darkmatrixxx
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Здравствуйте, есть возможность обновить мод для совместимости с последней версией RER v2.9.2 ?
  8. Lagostaloka21
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Hello good afternoon all right? I made the list all right however I just didn't put your mod manager priority list because my 1050 Ti Sc card doesn't support running the graphics mods. The only one I installed was HD treeBillbords and the Blood and wine version. However, my game doesn't start, I open the task manager and the program doesn't use even 8% and that's all. Would it be possible for me to send my game files to see what I did wrong? Sorry for my english came right from the translator ksksks
  9. KingJoia
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Can you incorporate WPI, that is such a cool mod, I believe it would only make this even better
  10. Silenthunter29
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Is it only me or do anyone else have poise regen issue?

    Update: The and blob0.bundle of this mod break the poise system. Replacing them with W3EE Lazarus Project 6.51 works.
  11. sayangoku0
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Hey, thanks for uploading these merges, they work flawlessly.

    Do you think you will add hoods or amm lite in some future? Anyways, good work!

  12. darkmatrixxx
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Здравствуйте. скорее всего, вы снова не ответите мне, но, как говорится, попытка не пытка. Установил последнюю версию вашей компиляции с модом RER 2.7.2 и столкнулся с таким багом: при выборе любого контракта с доски объявлений (на гибридов, некрофаг - любых (в т.ч. и любые дистанции)) в итоге на месте, где происходит событие контракта, всегда появляются враги-люди. С чем это может быть связано ? (после обновления все настройки RER ставил по-умолчанию)
    Hello. most likely, you will not answer me again, but, as they say, an attempt is not torture. I installed the latest version of your compilation with the RER 2.7.2 mod and encountered this bug: when choosing any contract from the bulletin board (for hybrids, necrophages - any (including any distances)) as a result, human enemies always appear at the place where the contract event takes place. What could this be related to ? (after the update, I set all the RER settings by default)
    1. Rim153153
      • member
      • 5 kudos
      Здравствуй. Странно, такого не замечал, хотя брал так задания. Может быть установлены другие моды?
    2. darkmatrixxx
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Из глобальных использую только те моды, которые перечислены в списке обязательных у вас в описании. А у вас нормально работают контракты на монстров именно с доски объявлений ? На оф. странице автора мода RER тоже никто об этом не пишет. По идее, на доске объявлений должно появляться еще объявление на уничтожение гнезд чудовищ, но в последней версии его тоже нет. Быть может, это задумка автора.
    3. Rim153153
      • member
      • 5 kudos
      Честно говоря пока что не тестил детально, времени не было. Может быть ошибка слияния, надо будет посмотреть.
    4. darkmatrixxx
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Все-таки дело именно в RER 2.7.2. Ставил только его на чистую версию (1.32 GOG) и все работает так, как описано мною выше. В принципе, можно, наверно, закрыть мою тему в разделе "баги". В любом случае - спасибо за проделанную работу. Попробую написать автору RER.
  13. Wolfman04230
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Update Random encounters to version 2.7.2. Now I'm having script issues please help. 
    1. Rim153153
      • member
      • 5 kudos
      Yes, I'll post it now
  14. Abanibi1
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    I love the kara set, but for some reason it keeps draining my vigor during battle. Is this normal?
    Do you know where this can be changed? No signs during battle is too harsh for this fine set.
    1. Abanibi1
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Found the issue. The kara set has a "vampirism" effect which seems like it drains your health during a fight and you gain health when you hit. There must be some collision with the other mods because it only drains vigor but does none of the other stuff.
      To disable it, I went to the file you pasted below "Mods\modShadesScriptWatcher\content\scripts\local\" and changed line #267 in function "Check_vamp_set" from "return true" to "return false". Should work for the other sets as well.