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  1. Aeltoth
    • premium
    • 149 kudos
    RER 3.0 is up on github.
    NextGen update
    Wolven Workshop discord server

    Shout out to the Shades Of Iron team
    As you may have noticed, RER is one of the requirement for this amazing mod. And we're currently working together to add a cross-mod. An add-on is planned to add the Shades Of Iron enemies to RER, that means contracts, bounties, ambushes, hunts, etc...

    If you haven't seen the Shades Of Iron mod, check it out because it's awesome!

    Looking for an overhaul to play with RER?
    Kolaris made an awesome update to W3EE that i heavily recommend: W3EE Redux. It is a well crafted update that brings the best out of the (already amazing but tough) Enhanced Edition, and polishes the rough edges that may come with that one. This gives you the witcher experience you always dreamt of with an interesting gameplay, balanced combat, well thought perks and deep alchemy system.
    W3EE Redux

    You may also want to look at the Caerme modlist/guide made by Ferroxius, an overhaul based around W3EE Redux and RER if you're in 1.32 or Lune if you're in NG.

    If you like my mod and all the effort that goes into it, please leave an endorsement
  2. Aeltoth
    • premium
    • 149 kudos
    Hello people,

    As of July 2021 i am no longer updating my mods on nexusmods. The development and updates will continue to be published on Github, the original place for all my mods since the beginning. This does not mean i won't help people nor will i stop reading comments. I will simply stop pushing the updates to the files here.

     - Random Encounters Reworked on github. Discussions on GitHub
     - My other mods on GitHub

    Thanks for your understanding.

    P.S As of writing this comment RER already received more than 10 updates that were not pushed here.
  3. BitterPast
    • premium
    • 379 kudos
    This mod works near flawlessly for me and it's ridiculously fun, I decided to start a new game to experience it from the beginning. 

    What I noticed was that before starting a new game, the bounty master was missing, I'm positive because in my new play through, it's literally impossible to miss the bounty master.

    One thing I haven't been able to fix though is fast traveling to contracts, I can fast travel to the bounty master and bounties but not contracts. It indicates I should be able to and the RER bible didn't mention anything about it.

    I didn't have any mod conflicts due to a very small mod list so I can't figure it out but it's not really a deal breaker. 

    Also, I use the latest version off GitHub 
    1. Aeltoth
      • premium
      • 149 kudos
      Hi ! I almost missed your message sorry, i'm really happy to hear you're having fun with my mod thank you!

      In the latest version I removed the ability to fast travel to the contracts as a temporary measure, there was an issue where if you fast traveled to a contract target the data about it wouldn't load correctly so it would think it's a level 0 contract with tiny rewards and no difficulty scaling :( and obviously I forgot to update the description about the fast travel lol. The mod is so big I tend to forget what I added a few years before

      What you're saying about the bounty master is interesting, was your previous game an old playthrough with more than a few hours of playtime? RER has what I call the "slow boot" where its features are slowly activated as your playtime increases. It allows you to get a smooth White Orchard with some encounters, then by the time you're in Velen the mod gets to 100% of its capacity and you start getting more enemies & more features like the bounty master and the RER contracts.

      In your case I'm pretty sure this isn't a conflict as RER can't really conflict with anything so if there is indeed an issue it's either the mod menu that prevented him from appearing or simply a bug that I must fix!
  4. noro356
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Soooooo...a very wierd thing happend with the new version of the mod, did a post before to witch Aeltoth replyed and since then the mod was workin flawlessly but since the new update came out I of course tried it and it was a bust...I used the three comand lines to stop and uninstall the mod since the new version doesnt have any merges,deleted all the files, installed the new files before that I also unmerged all the scripst and then merged again, the game started normally but i could not load any save file the game constantly crashed, i tought maby i should let the mergedsharedimports that come with Random Encounters Reworked  overwrite the mergedsharedimports that i already had installed even tough the instructions said to not let Any files from RER overwrite any other files...sooo i unmerged and merged again to no luck still crash, then i removed the mod completly an i still had a crash while loading a save, tried everithing i could think of but wasnt lucky...I still crashed even when i launched the game with mods disabled in the launcher so i rolled back to the 3.1.3 version and everything works fine. Any help would be appriciated as to why i cannot use the latest version of RER and why i cant load the game withot RER.
    1. Aeltoth
      • premium
      • 149 kudos
      Hi, i'm sorry but your message left me confused as to what you were trying. Could you explain more succinctly what you wish to do, and what problem you encountered?
  5. Miyagiusz
    • member
    • 0 kudos
     not working, The PowerShell window opens and immediately close on 4.04. 
    1. MonetaryGolem85
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I won't link to it but if you google "PowerShell says "execution of scripts is disabled on this system."" and follow that the command posted with 3558 likes then it will be able to run. For some systems Powershell doesn't have admin rights and this fixed that.
    2. Aeltoth
      • premium
      • 149 kudos
      Hi, I made sure that every link to the powershell script also offers a link to a manual install guide. Since Next Gen installing this mod is as
      easy as dropping folders inside your game with nothing to merge so I'd recommend to go for a manual install if the script isn't working for you, link to guide
  6. HardyPilgrim
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    I placed the install script from the Random Encounters website in the Witcher 3 directory and selected Run with PowerShell. The PowerShell window opens and immediately closes (I'm running PowerShell 7), so I cannot install the mod. Did I miss something? 
    1. MonetaryGolem85
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I won't link to it but if you google "PowerShell says "execution of scripts is disabled on this system."" and follow that the command posted with 3558 likes then it will be able to run. For some systems Powershell doesn't have admin rights and this fixed that.
    2. Aeltoth
      • premium
      • 149 kudos
      Hi, I made sure that every link to the powershell script also offers a link to a manual install guide. Since Next Gen
      installing this mod is as easy as dropping folders inside your game with nothing to merge so I'd recommend to go for a manual install if the script isn't working for you, link to guide
  7. telonears
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    This mod is amazing! It's so good, it feels like it should be part of the main game. The only small hassle is having to re-equip trophies to your favorite one each time. Or am I missing a setting?
    1. Aeltoth
      • premium
      • 149 kudos
      Thanks! I'm glad you're enjoying it, I did my best to ensure it felt somewhat seamless with the main game!

      The trophies being equipped automatically when a new one is looted is a vanilla feature unfortunately. I once pushed an optional file here that would remove it but I'm not sure if it's still up to date, otherwise you may find mods like "I Choose the Trophy" but for Next Gen.
    2. BitterPast
      • premium
      • 379 kudos
      I had the same problem, I use this mod:

      No Automatic Trophy Switch

      They work flawlessly together (for me).
    3. telonears
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      thanks it worked god bless u guys!
  8. Kaycred
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    do i have to enable this or soemthing every play time.
    it seems to not work sometimes but the first time the settings came up but all i have in the mods section of options menu is some other mod i have.
    that was the time it seemed to work and now have not ran into anything.
    (edited) nevermind scrap this comment, i figured i would check options before hitting continue game and it showed up finally.
  9. spamreg
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    is there a way to disable seeing the Bounty Master everytime u use witcher sense
    1. Aeltoth
      • premium
      • 149 kudos
      Hi ! In the "optional features" menu yes, you'll have to reload your save after changing it.
  10. spamreg
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I can't get any of the keybinds to stay after saving the inputs doc and loading the game the doc will reset to its prior state completley erassing any edits. Its weird cause I already have the appearance editor mod from CAPA14( ) working which requires the exact same style of editing but that one stays. Any suggestions?
    1. spamreg
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Nvm got it working. After saving keep the file open and start the game to force it to work.
  11. wenzel32
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hey! Great work on this mod. I remember playing with it before Next Gen and it was gamechanging.

    [[ EDIT -- DISREGARD: I am an idiot and I had totally forgotten the script merging was still necessary even without other mods. The modSharedImports folder that is brought in with the mod conflicted with the based version of modSharedImports, and running the script merger for it got everything working again!
    Keeping rest of comment for posterity. ]]

    However, now I am playing with the Next Gen update and have a fresh install of the mod. I have no other mods, but the preset selector will not come up and I cannot seem to get the mod's contracts, so I don't think it's running properly. 

    I have removed the mod and re-installed, commented out the necessary bits of modSharedImports from the Community Patch accordingly so that the game launches, the RER mod appears in my Mods menu in-game and I have reset all menus to Defaults. I have ensured Mod Version is 0 and reloaded several times.

    The preset selector continues to not appear. Is there some other step I need to take for the Next Gen version of the game to get everything running? I thought the modSharedImports and RER were the only things needed.

    I used the PowerShell install file. Do you think manual install will work better?
  12. Vb233
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hey which setting is the one that sometimes spawns Fiends/Ogres after I kill a few random mobs?