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  1. AnotherSymbiote
    • premium
    • 129 kudos
    Please note: I probably won't reply to comments that are vague or unrelated to bugs/suggestions.

    I recommend
    Forums tab for helping each other troubleshoot problems with merges.
    Bugs tab to report bugs.

    I will try to answer every question that is straightforward.
    I will also give Kudos to everyone here who helps people with problems.
  2. AnotherSymbiote
    • premium
    • 129 kudos
    v0.6.x is now available, with improved handling of custom load order (mods.settings file).

  3. Higgstastic
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hi, I Hope that this isnt a repeat question. 

    I have Installed all my Mods manually, and when i Run script merger i get the message of 

    Total number of Conflicts: 4
    Nr of automatically solved Conflicts: 4
    Nr of unsolved conflicts: 0

    My problem is that upon hitting OK i get a message in script merger 

    Merge 1 of 1 was cancelled.

    I am then taken back to the Main Gui of Script Merger 

    If i Refresh my Conflicts I now see a "mod0000_MergedFiles" for the Conflict. I can also see this folder in the Mods Folder 

    For Troubleshooting 
    - I have Uninstalled W3, Removed all remaining Contents from Install Directory
    - Re-Installed 
    - Re-Downloaded Script Merger as well as Attempting to use SM-FAE Full 
    - Installed only a few mods to attempt. 

    Any Solutions/Advice would be great. Thankyou. 

  4. ButtDumplingFartGoblin
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Hey, first of all thanks for making this mod, I've gotten great use of out of it and it's been fairly straightforward and user friendly for someone like me who is very inexperienced with modding and technologically illiterate. However, i have now encountered my first major hurdle, and am frankly clueless and way out of my depth to resolve it myself without help. I downloaded Immersive Camera and when i try to merge it i get two error messages that say 'the output file already exists'. I click 'Overwrite' because I'm guessing i will otherwise be unable to use my mods, and then KDiff3 opens up asking me to fix the problem myself. I click 'Exit', 'Save and Quit' because i have no idea what to do in there, and a box opens up saying 'Not all conflicts are resolved yet, file not saved'. 'Saving the merge result failed'. I have to 'Quit without saving' KDiff3, which skips the merge 'Merge 1 of 2 cancelled', and then this exact process repeats a second time for the second script merge. I am unable to play W3 until I fix this issue by screwing around in KDiff3, or i remove the Immersive Camera mod. I know i have to do some stuff in KDiff3 when it says its stuck, but i just have no idea what. Can you please help me? Thanks.
    1. ElementaryLewis
      • premium
      • 389 kudos
      The Kdiff3 moment occur when Script Merger detect complicated conflict that require manual merge instead.
      So, it opens Kdiff and ask you to solve the problem by yourself, comparing between the vanilla script (A, left), the first mod or the merged files (B, middle) and the conflicted mod (C, right).

      I suggest you take screenshot of Kdiff showing all conflict (using the big blue arrow) and we will tell you how to solve it.
      Also tell us which game version you're playing and make sure each mod confirms to work on that version (such you take Immersive Cam Next Gen if you are on Next Gen, not the other Immersive Cam).
    2. ButtDumplingFartGoblin
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Thanks for getting back to me. My current version of W3 is next gen, DX11 and every single mod is compatible i have double and triple checked before and after installing. However, by 'conflicts' are you referring to the red lines of code text? or the red boxes next to the code? Because there are so many of both that id be required to send through 5 million screenshots. Are you sure this is the only solution? Can i perhaps merge the scripts some other way with like a mod organizer or something? 
    3. ButtDumplingFartGoblin
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Apologies I have removed one of the mods causing merging conflicts and now there is only 1 left. 47 total conflicts, 46 automatically resolved, 1 unresolved conflict. How do i locate this remaining conflict and fix it? There's so much code i don't know how to identify a conflict.
    4. ElementaryLewis
      • premium
      • 389 kudos
      I only ask screenshot of the merged conflict in Kdiff, exactly where it ask you to manually merge, not all automatic merge.
      By the way "DX11" or "DX12" doesn't matter through script process, the only difference is that DX12 has Ray Tracing and DLSS/FSR while the other don't.
    5. ButtDumplingFartGoblin
      • member
      • 1 kudos
    6. ButtDumplingFartGoblin
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Im not sure if thats what ur asking for, but this is a screenshot of exactly what the Application looks like when it opens, without scrolling.
  5. TheEvilStranger
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    trying to merge scripts and it says unable to open mods file. Using vortex
    1. ElementaryLewis
      • premium
      • 389 kudos
      Don't use Vortex. We recommend using Witcher 3 Mod Manager instead.
    2. TheEvilStranger
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      damn i solved the issue myself by manually installing and then adding the mod to the load order list individually. Anyways now ik thnx
  6. ShadowWolf08
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    My virus scaner detected two files with high risk and trojan in the name, what are those files?
    1. ElementaryLewis
      • premium
      • 389 kudos
      Ignore it. It's a false alarm.
  7. Toreksino
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Good afternoon, I ran into such a problem, installed mods according to the instructions , but script merger does not show anything in conflicts or merges at startup, although it says at the bottom that mods and scripts are found, and mods do not work
    1. ElementaryLewis
      • premium
      • 389 kudos
      Would you please share your mod list and confirm whether you're on Next Gen 4.04 or Classic 1.32?
      Also it's not a bad thing if Script Merger didn't find any conflict.
  8. kcaz25
    • supporter
    • 24 kudos
    Is the gog directory the one with witcher3.exe in it?
    1. ElementaryLewis
      • premium
      • 389 kudos
      Any bought version has witcher3.exe.
      You just need to put the path line of the game's directory. Where there is at least Bin, Content, DLC and Mods folder.
    2. kcaz25
      • supporter
      • 24 kudos
      Made it one step further thanks to you. 

      Now I get this and can't start the game:

      Error [modgfp_camera]local\ Property 'environmentParameters' exists but was not imported from C++ code.Error [modgfp_camera]local\ Property 'environmentParameters' exists but was not imported from C++ code.Error [modgfp_camera]local\ Property 'customClippingPlanes' exists but was not imported from C++ code.Error [modgfp_camera]local\ Property 'customClippingPlanes' exists but was not imported from C++ code.Error [modgfp_camera]local\ Property 'nearPlane' exists but was not imported from C++ code.Error [modgfp_camera]local\ Property 'farPlane' exists but was not imported from C++ code.Error [modgfp_camera]local\ Property 'aspect' exists but was not imported from C++ code.Error [modgfp_camera]local\ Property 'aspect' exists but was not imported from C++ code.Error [modgfp_camera]local\ Property 'aspect' exists but was not imported from C++ code.Error [modgfp_camera]local\ Property 'environmentParameters' exists but was not imported from C++ code.Error [modgfp_camera]local\ Property 'customClippingPlanes' exists but was not imported from C++ code.Error [modgfp_camera]local\ Property 'customClippingPlanes' exists but was not imported from C++ code.Error [modgfp_camera]local\ Property 'nearPlane' exists but was not imported from C++ code.Error [modgfp_camera]local\ Property 'farPlane' exists but was not imported from C++ code.Error [modgfp_camera]local\ Property 'nearPlane' exists but was not imported from C++ code.Error [modgfp_camera]local\ Property 'customClippingPlanes' exists but was not imported from C++ code.Error [modgfp_camera]local\ Property 'customClippingPlanes' exists but was not imported from C++ code.Error [modgfp_camera]local\ Property 'fov' exists but was not imported from C++ code.Error [modgfp_camera]local\ Property 'fov' exists but was not imported from C++ code.Warning [content0]engine\ Global native function 'EnableDebugOverlayFilter' was not exported from C++ code.Warning [content0]engine\ Global native function 'EnableDebugPostProcess' was not exported from C++ code.Warning [content0]engine\ Global native function 'DebugSetEShowFlag' was not exported from C++ code.
    3. ElementaryLewis
      • premium
      • 389 kudos
      I don't know what the mod you're using but I suggest to delete it or remerge all again.
      Make sure each mod confirm to work on Next Gen 4.04 in the description or mod files.
    4. kcaz25
      • supporter
      • 24 kudos
      I fix it. thank you!
  9. Ausarq23
    • member
    • 7 kudos
  10. Glaciuss08
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hi, I have a problem. When I turn on the game with mods, these errors pop up, but the Script manager doesn't show me anything. Any advice please?

    Error [content0]game\player\ Could not find function 'GetRadialPopupShown'
    Error [content0]game\player\ Could not find function 'PotionSelectionPopup'
    Error [content0]game\player\ Could not find function 'PotionSelectionPopup'
    Error [content0]game\player\ Could not find function 'PotionSelectionPopup'
    Error [content0]game\player\ Could not find function 'PotionSelectionPopup'
    Error [content0]game\player\ Could not find function 'PotionSelectionPopup'
    Error [content0]game\player\ Could not find function 'PotionSelectionPopup'
    Error [content0]game\player\ Could not find function 'PotionSelectionPopup'
    Error [content0]game\player\ Could not find function 'PotionSelectionPopup'
    Error [content0]game\player\ Could not find function 'OilSelectionPopup'
    Error [content0]game\player\ Could not find function 'OilSelectionPopup'
    Error [content0]game\player\ Could not find function 'GetRadialPopupShown'
    Error [content0]game\player\ Could not find function 'GetRadialPopupShown'
    Error [content0]game\player\ Could not find function 'GetRadialPopupShown'
    Error [content0]game\player\ Could not find function 'GetRadialPopupShown'
    Error [content0]game\gui\popups\ Could not find function 'EnableRadialInput'
    Error [content0]game\gui\popups\ Could not find function 'EnableRadialInput'
    Error [content0]game\gui\popups\ Could not find function 'EnableRadialInput'
    Error [content0]game\gui\popups\ Could not find function 'EnableRadialInput'
    Error [content0]game\gui\popups\ Could not find function 'EnableRadialInput'
    Error [content0]game\gui\popups\ Could not find function 'EnableRadialInput'
    Error [content0]game\gui\popups\ Could not find function 'EnableRadialInput'

    Warning [content0]engine\ Global native function 'EnableDebugOverlayFilter' was not exported from C++ code.
    Warning [content0]engine\ Global native function 'EnableDebugPostProcess' was not exported from C++ code.
    Warning [content0]engine\ Global native function 'DebugSetEShowFlag' was not exported from C++ code.

    Thank your for your time
    1. ElementaryLewis
      • premium
      • 389 kudos
      You're using an outdated mods on Next Gen 4.04.
      Make sure each mod confirms to work on 4.04 in the description, mod files or was updated since 19th July 2023.
    2. Glaciuss08
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Than you for your time. Now is all working :)
  11. Ailuuuj
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Do I really need 4 of this thing to run Script??(- KDiff3QuickBMSwcc_lite and witcher3.bsm) Photo
    1. ElementaryLewis
      • premium
      • 389 kudos
      There are already included in Script Merger.
      Just download and extract somewhere, don't touch any contents.
  12. MARS46456982
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Добрый день!При запуске программы скрипты не в левой и не вправой стороне не отображаются.Из за этого я не могу установить более 3 модов,так как скрипт у меня отказывается работать