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  1. newxa2023
    • member
    • 7 kudos
    hello. CTD just before geralt wakes up in white orchard at the beginning of the game. any fix for that?
  2. RickThedope
    • BANNED
    • 41 kudos
    Sadly....or rather fortunately the LOD and the view has been expanded in the next gen patch making this mod obsolete.
  3. LiloLila
    • member
    • 19 kudos
    How to use this mod without shared imports?
    1. lexyzzz4
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      both bootstrap and shared imports are important
    2. LiloLila
      • member
      • 19 kudos
      Shared imports just causes problems for me. I try to stay away from mods needing that tool.
    3. lexyzzz4
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      like what kind of problem?
    4. LiloLila
      • member
      • 19 kudos
      For example is it not easy to follow the installation instructions. IDD requires you to install a speziffic version in a speziffic way (sometimes it sounds like as if Bootstrap was part of Shared Improts as some point) and then I don't even know if this is also compatible with other mods that require SI or if theose would require another version of it.

      The description of Shared Imports is not realy ment for newbies too. (feels a bit like the description of the doppler "mod". But that's another topic.)

      Then, when It's installed, Script Merger shows me a conflict with just a single mod. How can a mod conflict with itself? Thats the first problem. Since SM can solve this problem, because there simply aren't two conflicting mods, i have to edit the file in the mod manually.

      And that goes on. I had conflicts no conflicts but errors caused by a file from Friendly HUD that didn't even showed up in script merger. I never had those problems before. And I had to solve them in the same way without even know what the true source of the problem was. In the end the best I could do was just commenting out the error causing lines and ignore the warnings.

      But that is in my eyes not a viable solution.
      Everytime i try to use a mod that needs SI it feels more like frankensteining the game instead of propperly modding it.
      Shared Imports is a no go for me. Thats why I want to know how I can use this mod without it.
    5. lexyzzz4
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      i can give you shared imports & bootstrap that im using right now, you can give it a try (maybe?)
      im a newbie when it comes to tw3 as well. 
    6. LiloLila
      • member
      • 19 kudos
      thanks but if you can tell me what version of both you are using, that would be enough I guess.
      Maybe I'll give it another a try.
    7. lexyzzz4
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      im using bootstrap script-hooked + registry = & 
      shared imports =

      also may i ask you something? which tw3 version are you using right now?
  4. lexyzzz4
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    its working for me, thanks so much.

  5. Sahir26
    • supporter
    • 12 kudos
    I did not plan to publish the mod today but I publish the other version of my mod by error. So let's go :p
    1. webartist30
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Your latest update works perfectly, wow I have barely any pop ups of any kind and if i do they are very minor.

      Important: I used modSharedImports-v0.6-2110-v0-6-1580235351 with modBootstrap-v.0.4.1-scripthooked-2109-v0-4-1-1605978105 with CommunityPatch-Base-3652-1-0-1557043038 and lastly your 'modIDDforTOUSSAINT-3425-1-1544931230'. I saw on a youtube video that the Community patch that came out recently fixes the modbootstrap failure. Also note: I have a high end PC and tweaked my user.ini file as follows - 

      TextureMemoryBudget=1500 (atlthough i could have made it more, up to 4000) fyi
      MaxTextureAnizotropy=16 (also forced it in nvidia contro panel)

      Thanks you so much for this Toussaint edition distance mod!!!! I started to replay the entire game because i have a feeling that witche 4 will allow you to import your Witcher 3 character :) I endorsed this mod
  6. juhaownn64
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Hey guys,

    for some reason if i install this mod and try to load a save, he always tells me im missing the addons like Blood and Wine and so on.

    As soon as i delete this mod i can load the save without any problems.

    Anyone here experienced this issue and maybe got a fix?
    Thanks in advance

    Also the entry in the main menu called "Downloadable Content" just disappeares.

    I got it to work, i didnt post the DLCIDD folder in the DLC folder, i only copied the content folder inside the dlcidd folder.
    My bad!
    1. Alpha5497
      • member
      • 2 kudos
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hey, folks.
    That's NOT normal, right?
    I've installed this mod following all the steps. 
    The question is - Is it just this mod not working or are my other graphic mods making the level of draw distance worse?
    I use a lot of mods: textures, grass, weather, lighting. So, the game looks fantastic at close distances and sometimes terrible while observing the distant landscapes.
    What can I do with this? I really wanna make it look better than that.

    The IDD mod seems to be working judging by these details on the bridge that aren't visible from this distance without IDD -
    ..but the draw of grass and other vegetation is terrible either with or without this mod. This really can't be improved? Or is it just my game? 
    1. wellden
      • premium
      • 189 kudos
      It's the lod in the witcher. From my understanding it is a very painstaking process to create mods for it, thus the lack of up to date lod mods. Unless you want to dive in and do it yourself..just play the game, or maybe the next gen version will be better next year.
      You can enable script logging and see that this mod does indeed work. Same for the original
  8. perradb
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    This mod is amazing, after i finally got it to work. Thanks for the great mod.
    I decided to give some feedback how I made this mod work, and what other mods are needed/recommanded by me to get the best effect.
    Also, I ened up using the version of this mod that has Touissaint support. I found i can swap between this mod and the Toissaint one without problems, but I dont want to bother, the Toissaint one seems all good everywhere.

    To clearify, you only need to install ONE mod for Draw Distance, this one OR the normal one, not both at the same time!

    The biggest problem I had myself was installing the wrong requirements.
    you need: shared imports
    and Bootstrap

    Bootstrap is where it gets ?tricky. At first i played without Increased Draw Distance (IDD), and i had Bootrstrap already installed. It turns out you need the optional Scripthooked bootstrap instead of the normal one. This fixes issues with Buildings/Bridges/etc not loading in at all.
    For me it worked to just Delete ModBootstrap and dlcBootstrap, and replace them with the Scripthooked one.

    I ended up using: "modBootstrap-v.0.4.1-scripthooked-unmodified-worldmap" because this is compatible with All Objectives on Map.

    Also dont forget to install the modBootstrap-registry (on the same download page as Bootstrap). In this mod, you need to add a extra line of text.
     "mods\modBootstrap\content\scripts\local\" (see description of this mod)

    Now it should work.

    To get a better effect I use this mods that also increase the visual quality.

    A lighting mod and a reshade is to personal preference ofcourse. I ended up using Phoenix Ultimate in combination with the 4K clouds and More Realistic Wind. See mod pages for instructions. But as said, this is just personal taste. 
    With it, I use Enhanced Rehade, but i changed this to my personal taste.

    Fog and DOF tweaker With this mod, you can push the overall fog further away. This does not affect swamp-fog, what is a good thing! I use a value of 0.6 for the fog. I dont use the DOF feature.

    LOD npc makes cloths/armor on npcs be visible from further away. less "spawning" of clothes when closing in on npcs!

    Enhanced Graphic Settings? pump graphic settings higher. not exactly sure how that works together with this mod, but it sure does! Also helps loading Textures in 4K qulity from the HD Rework project (also strongly recommanded!)

    The final thing i did was increase my TextureMemoryBudget, but im not sure if thi?s is needed (i have a feeling my graphicscard is using more VRAM now thou)
    you can do this at Documents\The Witcher 3\?user.settings, look for TextureMemoryBudget. i made it TextureMemoryBudget=6000.

    I use The Witcher 3 Mod manager and the added Script Merger to assign mod priority and merge scripts were needed (the mods i describe here do not have any merging conficts).
    My loading priority for the mods i describe here is:

    Fog and DOF>Bootstrap and bootstrap registry>Shared imports>Enhanced Graphic settings>HD Rework>LesserWind_PLMU7>4KSoftClouds>Phoenix_Ultimate_7>Increase Draw Distance>LOD npc?

    My system runs a GTX1070. i run around 50-60 fps now.
    Hope this is helpfull for someone to make their game also look great!
    1. skybellrock
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      What version of the game are you running, and what platform (steam or gog)? I am running steam 1.32 with all DLC.

      I have followed the instructions perfectly, but can't make it work.

      I installed ALL the community patch mods, including bootstrap scripthooked unmodified map, modbootstrap-registry and Shared Imports.

      I then added the line to modbootstrap-registry. I tried installing both this Toussaint mod and the original IDD (only one active at a time), by copying the mod folder into mods in the witcher path, and the dlc in dlc and the bin in the correct location.

      Then I made sure that there were no script clashes through script merger, which found no conflicts.

      Then I made sure this mod had top priority, only below the community unification patch and the merged files, since they have priority 0 by default. 

      I went in game, options-mods-increased draw distance, clicked on default so it turned on, loaded a save, and no changes at all. I did side by side comparisons and everything. Absolutely no changes were made. I have no idea what I did wrong. Can't get it to work. I did my comparisons outside of the main city in Novigrad where some of the original mods photos were taken.

      Any help would be nice.
    2. rock1331
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      I too can't make this mod work even though i've used bootstrap for other mods, this seems to be the only one not working.
    3. perradb
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      1.32 steam
    4. perradb
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I am also on 1.32 steam version with all dlc/expensions.
      Weird. I'm not expert what so ever, so I'm not sure I can of more help besides my small guide :/
    5. wellden
      • premium
      • 189 kudos
      I can verify that this mod is working perfectly well. You need to test your bootstrap (script-hooked) with instructions on that mod page...then enable scriptlogging (do some research as to how to enable) and you should see a LOT of lines that say it's loading meshes and one line that the mod is enabled and in ultra mode or whatever mode you chose.
      Tried to upload some of my examples in the log but Nexus had other plans ;)
      Mod does indeed work 
  9. LiloLila
    • member
    • 19 kudos
    isn't there a mod that just replaces all LOD-models with the highest LOD model? For example if you have 4 LOD models of a building (1: infront of you, 2: background, 3: far away, 4: realy far away) that the 3 others get replaces by the first one so that you have 4 times the same model ingame that just get replaced by itself instead of the an low LOD version?

    That way the game itself wouldn't get changed. it would still load the dirrefent LOD versions like it is programmed to do. But it just makes visualy no difference anymore. I know this wouldn't solve the pop in "problem" but at least what you can already see wouldn't get ugly the furthur you are away from it.
  10. x0evenstar0x
    • premium
    • 13 kudos
    As others are saying, this mod works with the latest script-hooked version of Bootstrap, but only kind of. If it matters, I have the Origin version of the game. Anyway, I don’t see the level of improvement shown in the screenshots (for example, the house by the dock is still invisible until I get extremely close); however, there is a small decrease in pop in of objects and details on buildings. I turned off ultra mode because it was eating up too much FPS, though I don’t actually see any difference between having it on or off. When I remove this mod, the amount of pop right in front of Geralt’s face is insane, even though I use Tweaks to push the game past ultra settings.  I am currently using this mod, Next-Gen LOD Beta (custom version from Gudmods Discord that removes even more bugged meshes), and LOD Bug Fix, but even with all that, there is still a lot of ugliness going on in Novigrad. Someone really needs to make an all-in-one, updated LOD mod that fixes these issues. The game is too pretty for such a gross LOD!