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Created by

wghost81 aka Wasteland Ghost

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  1. wghost81
    • premium
    • 714 kudos
    NGE version is uploaded to Nexus:

    Please, move NGE questions and discussions there.

    Classic version of the mod will stay here for everyone who prefers the good-old classic.
  2. t0mteee
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I made an unofficial update that displays a message when trying to summon an overencumbered horse, because it really confused me when it didn't work.
  3. eddybozzobr
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Theres a problem Merging with SIMPLE ALCHEMY REFILL (LEGO)
    When merging gameplay\ from these two mods, the script merger asks you to resolve a conflict.

    if you choose both lines, the items spent on the recipes will be doubled (the recipes will only show 1 item of each, but 2 will be deducted)
    If you chose the Simple Alchemy Refill line, all recipes made with inventory items will not use up the items.

    BUT, if you chose the Friendly Stash line, it APPARENTLY will work fine

    @EDIT: still having problem with Refill while meditating. It uses vanilla ingredients (alcohol, fat) to refill all potions with these 2 mods merged. Definitely needs a compatibility patch
  4. Strahlimeier
    • premium
    • 90 kudos
    Here's a patch that fixes an issue on synced stash mode with Vlad UI (link). The issue is, whenever you open up the stash menu and activate synced mode, the tab you choose on your inventory displays the wrong item categories in the stash window.

    This patch contains 2 scripts:

    •  --- (Vladimir UI)
    • --- (Friendly Stash)

    It works on 1.32, it will need some adjusting on Next-Gen, but since I don't have NGE installed I didn't bother. If anyone wants to port this fix on NGE as well, the lines that I changed are:

    • line 680 to 737
    • line 134 to 189

    To Wasteland Ghost: Feel free to add this "fix" in your optional files if you want! Also I'm not sure if I said this before, but thank you for all those amazing mods you have made for this game. They all are absolutely indispensable! I'm using all of them and the last one you made Friendly Controls is really the icing on the cake!
  5. Routinues
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    Does this mod work properly with v4.02?
    1. ElementaryLewis
      • premium
      • 389 kudos
      There is a reason of why "(Classic Edition)" is on the title.
  6. LordMarmor
    • member
    • 12 kudos
    The friendly stash for next gen patch on the drive seems to be working excellent however for does that got same problem as me here is manual instructions

    Bin in mod folder needs to be in games Bin folder but do NOT drop it, it will f*** up all the changes you done for other mods

    1: Copy modFriendlyStashConfig.xml to bin\config\r4game\user_config_matrix\pc
    2: Add "modFriendlyStashConfig.xml;" whiteout the quotes to the end of dx11filelist and dx12filelist
    3: manually edit games Input .xml if other mods made changes to it in the bottom before "VisibleVars" Copy and paste Line 19 to 21 of the  Input .xml located in  Mods\modFriendlyStash\bin\config\r4game\user_config_matrix\pc. 
    (I tried to paste the code instead but cant get the forum to show it right)

    in user.settings located C:\Users\YourUsername\OneDrive\Dokument or C:\Users\YourUsername\Dokument Paste in the bottom of the file ,the text in  user.settings.part.txt located in your mod folder

    in input.settings located C:\Users\YourUsername\OneDrive\Dokument or C:\Users\YourUsername\Dokument
    Follow the instructions in input.settings.part.txt located in your mod folder however change U for something else currently not in use (U=Photo mode) if you want to use photo mode .
    Or alternative do like me and keep U for Stash and change default key for Photo Mode seeing that function probably not used very often
    1. deleted5402309
      • account closed
      • 0 kudos
      Couldn't have done it without your help, thanks a lot mate!!! Worked perfectly at first try!
  7. mirellanmal
    • member
    • 8 kudos
    What does "modSigns" mean in some scripts? Why are not all code edits signed with "modFriendlyStash"?
    1. wghost81
      • premium
      • 714 kudos
      modSigns is the old name of Ghost Mode. Friendly Stash was once a part of Ghost Mode and it was later separated into a file of its own. Old signatures are there for the reference and compatibility reasons as GM retains parts of the code to make it easier to merge with FS.
    2. deleted5402309
      • account closed
      • 0 kudos
      Just managed to install it perfectly at the first try. I only have 2 other mods so along with the merger and following your instructions I managed to install it and it works perfectly. I just want to thank you personally, I only wish I had discovered these mods time ago, it has eased my gaming experience a LOT. Hell it even filters the items in the stash based on the window you have open in your inventory... It's amazing. Many many many thanks.
  8. lightsourced
    • premium
    • 24 kudos
    Is it possible to have it auto stash alchemy and crafting ingredients when you pick them up? That would be such a qol feature!
  9. KConstantineK
    • member
    • 7 kudos
    I play with a gamepad and also don't need all of these features, especially since it introduces too many incompatibilities with my list of multiple minor mods.
    Wish it was possible to use just the Roach Stash with some simple gamepad input to access it when close.
    1. Sudr4
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Exactly the same here, I woul suggest the author to release a version for this need.
    2. bargainsale
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      A bit late but...
      Select the Roach preset on the menu and add this to your input.settings

    3. bradmillerbiz
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Also a bit late, but doing this means you'll no longer be able to summon Roach.
  10. ekala2000
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hello all,
    I just want a simple version of this. Just a stash menu. Thats it. No other merchants options. Can i do it with just using one or two files? or is it just too complicated?
  11. MaximShtiba
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I want two different caches, one in a horse and one in a chest, not connected to each other. Is it possible?