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  1. L3X4RS
    • premium
    • 146 kudos
    Update mod to Next-Gen?
    1. rmemr
      • premium
      • 163 kudos
      There is now a dedicated version for NEXT-GEN game version. Note that it requires the NEXT-GEN version of sharedImports mod.
  2. RedHoodxD
    • premium
    • 16 kudos
    Menu not opening ,but story board UI is working fine 
    1. rmemr
      • premium
      • 163 kudos
      Make sure you have all input settings from envui mod added.  Also verify that envui is added to the bootstrap registry so it is started.
  3. assem4444
    • supporter
    • 9 kudos
    It would be nice if we could save our changes
    To use it like using
    (Reshade) or (blitzFX)
     for example
    1. rmemr
      • premium
      • 163 kudos
      The proper way to restore the values is to to create an env mod which replaces the vanilla env of that region with updated values from the dumped envui alues. A pure script version for restoring values would be very fragile.

      Envui is just meant to help in the creation of proper env mods.
  4. alexanderhawkins
    • premium
    • 10 kudos
    doesnt seem like the inputs are working correctly, ill reinstall everything just to make sure i did it correctly
    1. assem4444
      • supporter
      • 9 kudos
      Me too
      follow it
      now work with me
      I forgot to follow that step
      4. activate autostart in modBootstrap by adding the line "add(modCreate_EnvUiMod());" to the function "createMods" in the file bootstrap registry file "" so it looks more or less like this:
    2. alexanderhawkins
      • premium
      • 10 kudos
      i was meanig the inputs files part, i have step 4 done, but the inputs arent working for me
    3. rmemr
      • premium
      • 163 kudos
      make sure you have all input settings from envui *and* bootstrap mod added.
  5. johannferkakt
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
  6. alexanderhawkins
    • premium
    • 10 kudos
    for some reason when i open envui i cant edit things when pressing E, like i press E and usually you can press left arrow or right arrow to go through numbers to delete and or change them but when i press the arrow keys nothing happens, then why i exit envui i have no control over the game anymore, cant move, cant press pause, cant to anything. please help.
  7. Beardedwonder95
    • supporter
    • 31 kudos
    Hello.  I seem to have come across a bug of some sort.  When I open the ENVUI page up and page down no longer work and that includes when I hold control to change the time.  So I'm not sure what's going on as it used to work.  Does anyone have any ideas for a fix?  Thanks!

    Edit:  I think I found out how to fix it.  I just double clicked on an option and that kicked it back in.  I'm not sure if that's the actual solution but it seems to be what worked for me.
  8. Shumafuk
    • premium
    • 16 kudos
    When I start EnvUI, colours go off, I cannot change anything and when I turn EnvUI off, colours are not back. Any idea what
    could be wrong?

    I use mods that edit env files.... KNG's DoF or Immersive Lighting or True Fires. Could this be a problem?

    EDIT: Fixed. Just disable KNG's DoF.
  9. MrCr4cks
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Please help me. How to add a custom mod (
    Tried many times, but the editor of the real-time environment does not see my files. What is my problem?
    and where should the file path lead?
    1. rmemr
      • premium
      • 163 kudos
      I don't understand the question.

      You can only add references to already existing env files. So the env must already be in the game (whether it's custom or vanilla env doesn't matter to EnvUi). Adding works like your example screenshot, e.g.

      function ENVUI_getExtraEnvs() : array<String> {
      var envs: array<String>;

      return envs;

      So in the above example dlc\yourdlc\some\path\nameofenv.env is the path to an env that is in some already cooked and installed mod. You can find the path with modeditor or wolvenkit.
  10. RakZak
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Sorry in advance for hijacking your comments, but this is the only place i found i think where people are who can help me...

    I would like to get my hands on a mod (...or somehow build it myselfe) that changes the underwater fog, to lessen the effect.
    The option seems to be buried in the water options for env-files (SetUnderWaterFogintensity?)

    Im not used to modding/programming and have never touched the whole "uncooking" thing and dont know how that works or what tools to use.
    Only read a few scraps of tutorials and a video for TW3 ModTool.

    If anyone can help me out or point me in the right direction, that would be wonderful.
    1. rmemr
      • premium
      • 163 kudos
      While this is not the place for such information here are some starting pointers to get a least some basics (although there is not much content there):
  11. gsnowkibo
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    traderain informed me that there is an excel table that explains many of the environment paramters, very helpful

    you can give traderain kudos on his profile page
    1. rmemr
      • premium
      • 163 kudos
      Yes, I know the list. This is the original source:
    2. KoticR
      • member
      • 22 kudos
      Since this list wouldn't been possible without Traderain & rmemr i'll post this here!

      Just a heads up for anyone following the github link, i've set the repo to private since it's massively outdated. But i keep the google spreadsheet online indefinitely. If time allows it i'll set up a proper repo & wiki over on github dedicated solely for the EnvironmentVariables & Timetable with some more in-depth information about some settings. I'll add the link here once i've set it up.

      In addition to that since i missed Traderain's message on Discord, way back when.
      Everyone of you is allowed to use the list in whatever way you see fit!
      No need to ask for permission. :)