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  1. jimmylogs
    • supporter
    • 2 kudos
    If you have the "was already exported" error, this is how to fix it (pretty simple): 

    1. Go to where the .ws file is located (for example: "modSharedImports\content\scripts\local\CEnvironmentDefinition.ws"). Mine was a merged file, after running Script Merger, so I went to "mod0000_MergedFiles\content\scripts\engine\components.ws" (THESE ARE EXAMPLES! You must find the specific file(s) YOU are getting an error for, which may not be the same as mine!)

    2. Open the .ws file in a code editor (i.e. Notepad++, PyCharm, etc.).

    3. Find (CTRL+F) the structure(s) or class(es), which is/are listed in the error as "already exported" (for example: "CWorldShadowConfig" or "CEnvironmentDefinition").

    4. Comment out that entire structure and/or class. Example for "CSpotLightComponent" class:

    //import class CSpotLightComponent extends CLightComponent
    // import var innerAngle          : float;
    // import var outerAngle         : float;
    // import var softness            : float;

    5. Save the file and you should be good to go. (DO THIS FOR ALL ERRORS).
    1. PescalinMan
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      Thanks man ! That worked !

      Same for "allready imported" - error for me !
  2. Daydreamer2202
    • supporter
    • 2 kudos
    Does this mod work for next gen update?
    1. crthdr
      • member
      • 122 kudos
      Yes, fully compatible
    2. rmemr
      • premium
      • 162 kudos
      There are now two dedicated versions because NEXT-GEN added a couple of attributes to some classes.
  3. Adrian1025
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Error [modsharedimports]local\centitytemplate.ws(45): Structure 'CEntityAppearance' was already exported.
    Error [modsharedimports]local\centitytemplate.ws(1): Class 'CEntityTemplate' was already exported.
    Warning [modcustomplayercharacters]local\newreplacers\magic_actions\nr_magicspecialfield.ws(174): Adding state 'Active' to class 'NR_MagicSpecialField' which is not a state machine. Did you forget the 'statemachine' keyword in class?
    Warning [modcustomplayercharacters]local\newreplacers\magic_actions\nr_magicspecialfield.ws(247): Adding state 'Stop' to class 'NR_MagicSpecialField' which is not a state machine. Did you forget the 'statemachine' keyword in class?
    Warning [modcustomplayercharacters]local\newreplacers\magic_actions\nr_magicspecialfield.ws(256): Adding state 'Cursed' to class 'NR_MagicSpecialField' which is not a state machine. Did you forget the 'statemachine' keyword in class?
    Warning [modcustomplayercharacters]local\newreplacers\magic_actions\nr_magicspeciallumos.ws(132): Adding state 'Active' to class 'NR_MagicSpecialLumos' which is not a state machine. Did you forget the 'statemachine' keyword in class?
    Warning [modcustomplayercharacters]local\newreplacers\magic_actions\nr_magicwatertrap.ws(83): Adding state 'Loop' to class 'NR_MagicWaterTrap' which is not a state machine. Did you forget the 'statemachine' keyword in class?
    Warning [modcustomplayercharacters]local\newreplacers\nr_cr4hudmoduledialog_state.ws(1): Adding state 'NR_ScenePreviewAppearance_DialogState' to class 'CR4HudModuleDialog' which is not a state machine. Did you forget the 'statemachine' keyword in class?
    Warning [modcustomplayercharacters]local\newreplacers\nr_cr4hudmoduledialog_state.ws(40): Adding state 'NR_ScenePreviewSpells_DialogState' to class 'CR4HudModuleDialog' which is not a state machine. Did you forget the 'statemachine' keyword in class?
    Warning [modcustomplayercharacters]local\newreplacers\nr_cr4hudmoduledialog_state.ws(65): Adding state 'NR_SceneDefault_DialogState' to class 'CR4HudModuleDialog' which is not a state machine. Did you forget the 'statemachine' keyword in class?

    this is all i get, i did everything as the guide says with script merger and everything
    1. ElementaryLewis
      • premium
      • 371 kudos
      Those errors means one use its own Shared Import.
      So delete Shared Import and remerge all scripts.
  4. 1962sweet
    • member
    • 15 kudos
    Thank you very much for the update and all the best to you!
  5. zhargrumunana
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Error [content0]game\behavior_tree\tasks\monsters\bttaskmaintainspeed.ws(10): Class 'CBTTaskMaintainSpeed' already defined.
    Error [content0]game\behavior_tree\tasks\monsters\bttaskmaintainspeed.ws(74): Class 'CBTTaskMaintainSpeedDef' already defined.
    Error [content0]game\behavior_tree\tasks\reactions\bttaskisman.ws(4): Class 'CBTCondIsMan' already defined.
    Error [content0]game\behavior_tree\tasks\reactions\bttaskisman.ws(15): Class 'CBTCondIsManDef' already defined.
  6. ChipxDDD
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Error [modsharedimports]local\cclothcomponent.ws(7): Class 'CClothComponent' was already exported.
    Error [modsharedimports]local\cdestructioncomponent.ws(50): Class 'CDestructionSystemComponent' was already exported.
    Error [modsharedimports]local\cdestructioncomponent.ws(118): Class 'CDestructionComponent' was already exported.
    Error [modsharedimports]local\csoundambientareacomponent.ws(31): Class 'CSoundAmbientAreaComponent' was already exported.

    Does anyone know what this means? im trying to install random encountered reworks
    1. ChipxDDD
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Ok i think i know the cause of it? Should I use the SharedImports file from RER or this Community Patch - Shared Imports. 
    2. ElementaryLewis
      • premium
      • 371 kudos
      The error you got is likely because another mod has its own "Shared Import", aside RER.
      Backup all shared import and find the mods having a folder "engine" in their scripts, and remove them.
    3. ChipxDDD
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      But how to use both since they have the same name? I use your natural torch light mod which requires this Community Patch - Shared Imports to be downloaded.
      Are u saying I should delete the engine file from this npcinteraction file? https://imgur.com/a/qNGMjxv
    4. ElementaryLewis
      • premium
      • 371 kudos
      This "shared" one is NOT Shared Import, and doesn't have the same name It's two thing different.
      But it is require when using RER or PotP and you should merge them.

      So remove those mods and install again RER and Shared Import, then merge them all.
    5. ChipxDDD
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I did some merging and added both Shared Imports from RER and Community Patch - Shared Imports. Got these errors now:

      Error [mod_sharedutils_storage]local\storage\main.ws(11): 'SU_storage' is not a member of '&handle:CPlayerInput'
      Error [mod_sharedutils_storage]local\storage\main.ws(14): 'SU_storage' is not a member of '&handle:CPlayerInput'
      Error [mod_sharedutils_storage]local\storage\main.ws(17): 'SU_storage' is not a member of '&handle:CPlayerInput'
      Error [mod_sharedutils_storage]local\storage\main.ws(29): 'SU_buffer' is not a member of '&handle:CPlayerInput'
      Error [mod_sharedutils_storage]local\storage\main.ws(32): 'SU_buffer' is not a member of '&handle:CPlayerInput'
      Error [mod_sharedutils_storage]local\storage\main.ws(35): 'SU_buffer' is not a member of '&handle:CPlayerInput'
      Warning [mod0000_mergedfiles]engine\environment.ws(30): Global native function 'EnableDebugOverlayFilter' was not exported from C++ code.
      Warning [mod0000_mergedfiles]engine\environment.ws(32): Global native function 'EnableDebugPostProcess' was not exported from C++ code.
      Warning [content0]engine\showflags.ws(11): Global native function 'DebugSetEShowFlag' was not exported from C++ code.
    6. ElementaryLewis
      • premium
      • 371 kudos
      There is a discord server of RER (named Wolven Workshop) so you can ask help there. This look like an issue from RER and not from Shared Import.
      Oh and please call "shared utils". Again it's NOT Shared Import.
    7. ChipxDDD
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Ahh unlucky then, guess ill be playing without RER, thanks for the help so far.
      But, last question is RER compatible with BiA?
    8. ElementaryLewis
      • premium
      • 371 kudos
      It is compatible yes.
    9. Solenya1208
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      im getting the exact same error, did you ever figure out what it was?
  7. Mikkigl
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    У меня установлено 44 мода и все работает. Никаких слияний не потребовалось. Версия игры 4.04
    1. ElementaryLewis
      • premium
      • 371 kudos
      Can you please speak in English here?
  8. VictisRage
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Installing this caused all of my grass to be removed. I don't have any other mods installed besides the starting essentials for mod loading that people recommend.
    When I uninstall, my grass comes back. Reinstall, no grass.

    Any thoughts?
    1. ElementaryLewis
      • premium
      • 371 kudos
      Can you share your mod list, and confirm whether you're on Next Gen 4.04 or Classic 1.32?
  9. ronahal
    • supporter
    • 3 kudos
    How do you "Comment out" the file structure? I'm so confused. 
    1. VictisRage
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      I would like to know this as well.
    2. VictisRage
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      In C# code commenting out code is done by putting // at the start of a line, or surrounding the code with /* and */
      C&P from a web page discussion on this. Hope this helps.
  10. eronaile
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Can somebody please explain what version of mods I should use for Steam version (PC)?
    I get totally confused by all this OldGen/NewGen/Classic stuff. Will NextGen mods work for PC or not?
    I need to know so I can install proper version of a) sharedimports b) w3ee and c) w3ee redux.

    EDIT: Here was me thinking Old/Next refers to consoles. Jesus, it's about supported GPUs and graphics.
    So clearly I should use NextGen.
    1. ElementaryLewis
      • premium
      • 371 kudos
      It's not about consoles, nor supported GPU and graphics (kinda).
      It's because Classic 1.32 was released in Sept 2016 while the Next Gen 4.04 released in July 2023.

      Giving the huge time span, we have mods that only work on Classic 1.32, some only to Next Gen 4.04, or both.
      To be sure which version you are, run the game without mods and see which number is written in the main menu.
  11. OpaOpaTrulala
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Error [modspawncompanions]game\mcm\multicompanionmod.ws(17): 'scmcc' is not a member of '&handle:CNewNPC'Error [modspawncompanions]game\mcm\multicompanionmod.ws(23): 'scmcc' is not a member of '&handle:CNewNPC'Error [modspawncompanions]game\mcm\multicompanionmod.ws(27): 'scmcc' is not a member of '&handle:CNewNPC'Error [modspawncompanions]game\mcm\multicompanionmod.ws(45): 'scmcc' is not a member of '&handle:CNewNPC'Error [modspawncompanions]game\mcm\multicompanionmod.ws(51): 'scmcc' is not a member of '&handle:CNewNPC'Error [modspawncompanions]game\mcm\multicompanionmod.ws(55): 'scmcc' is not a member of '&handle:CNewNPC'Error [modspawncompanions]game\mcm\multicompanionmodentity.ws(60): 'MODSCM_ENT' is not a member of 'handle:CR4Player'Error [modspawncompanions]game\mcm\multicompanionmodentity.ws(62): 'MODSCM_ENT' is not a member of 'handle:CR4Player'Error [modspawncompanions]game\mcm\multicompanionmodentity.ws(70): Could not find function 'mod_scm_SET_SCM_ENT'Error [modspawncompanions]game\mcm\multicompanionmodentity.ws(86): 'MODSCM' is not a member of 'handle:CR4Player'Error [modspawncompanions]game\mcm\multicompanionmodentity.ws(88): 'MODSCM' is not a member of 'handle:CR4Player'Error [modspawncompanions]game\mcm\multicompanionmodentity.ws(100): Could not find function 'mod_scm_SET_SCM'Error [modspawncompanions]game\mcm\multicompanionmodentity.ws(105): Could not find function 'mod_scm_CreateSCM'Error [modspawncompanions]game\mcm\multicompanionmodexecutable.ws(37): 'scmcc' is not a member of '&handle:CNewNPC'Error [modspawncompanions]game\mcm\multicompanionmodexecutable.ws(51): 'scmcc' is not a member of '&handle:CNewNPC'Error [modspawncompanions]game\mcm\multicompanionmodexecutable.ws(53): 'scmcc' is not a member of '&handle:CNewNPC'Error [modspawncompanions]game\mcm\multicompanionmodexecutable.ws(101): 'scmcc' is not a member of '&handle:CNewNPC'Error [modspawncompanions]game\mcm\multicompanionmodexecutable.ws(101): 'scmcc' is not a member of '&handle:CNewNPC'Error [modspawncompanions]game\mcm\multicompanionmodexecutable.ws(109): 'MODSCM_COMPANIONS' is not a member of 'handle:CR4Player'Error [modspawncompanions]game\mcm\multicompanionmodexecutable.ws(151): 'scmcc' is not a member of '&handle:CNewNPC'Error [modspawncompanions]game\mcm\multicompanionmodexecutable.ws(153): 'scmcc' is not a member of '&handle:CNewNPC'Error [modspawncompanions]game\mcm\multicompanionmodexecutable.ws(167): 'scmcc' is not a member of '&handle:CNewNPC'Error [modspawncompanions]game\mcm\multicompanionmodexecutable.ws(167): 'scmcc' is not a member of '&handle:CNewNPC'Error [modspawncompanions]game\mcm\multicompanionmodspawn.ws(108): 'scmcc' is not a member of '&handle:CNewNPC'Error [modspawncompanions]game\mcm\multicompanionmodspawn.ws(110): 'scmcc' is not a member of '&handle:CNewNPC'Error [modspawncompanions]game\mcm\multicompanionmodspawn.ws(112): 'scmcc' is not a member of '&handle:CNewNPC'Error [modspawncompanions]game\mcm\multicompanionmodspawn.ws(130): 'scmcc' is not a member of '&handle:CNewNPC'Error [modspawncompanions]game\mcm\multicompanionmodstoryscene.ws(10): 'scmcc' is not a member of '&handle:CNewNPC'Error [modspawncompanions]game\mcm\multicompanionmodstoryscene.ws(13): 'scmcc' is not a member of '&handle:CNewNPC'Error [modspawncompanions]game\mcm\multicompanionmodstoryscene.ws(22): 'scmcc' is not a member of '&handle:CNewNPC'Error [modspawncompanions]game\mcm\multicompanionmodstoryscene.ws(25): 'scmcc' is not a member of '&handle:CNewNPC'Error [modspawncompanions]game\mcm\multicompanionmodstoryscene.ws(37): 'scmcc' is not a member of '&handle:CNewNPC'Error [modspawncompanions]game\mcm\multicompanionmodstoryscene.ws(41): 'scmcc' is not a member of '&handle:CNewNPC'Error [modspawncompanions]game\mcm\multicompanionmodstoryscene.ws(45): 'scmcc' is not a member of '&handle:CNewNPC'

    Help me
    1. ElementaryLewis
      • premium
      • 371 kudos
      The problem is from Multi Companion Mod, not Shared Import.
      So delete this mod, reinstall again by follow carefully the instruction. Then use Script Merger and merge all scripts.

      For further help, please ask to the MCM community.
    2. OpaOpaTrulala
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      i just wanted to keep multicompanion mod so idk i think it is just not supported in the newest version of the game
    3. ElementaryLewis
      • premium
      • 371 kudos
      It's Next Gen Compatible.
      Please reinstall the mod by carefully follow the instruction, and ask help there.
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Error [modsharedimports]local\cclothcomponent.ws(7): Class 'CClothComponent' was already exported.Error [modsharedimports]local\cdestructioncomponent.ws(50): Class 'CDestructionSystemComponent' was already exported.Error [modsharedimports]local\cdestructioncomponent.ws(118): Class 'CDestructionComponent' was already exported.Error [modsharedimports]local\csoundambientareacomponent.ws(31): Class 'CSoundAmbientAreaComponent' was already exported.

    Hello. I get this error. I am trying to work through the comments testing different advice. No luck yet.  Most recent just tried deleting folder next to imports via searching "engine in mod folder tip, didn't work for me as added more of the same errors. Any help would be great.
    1. ElementaryLewis
      • premium
      • 371 kudos
      I suggest you install all mods again, except Shared Import.
      After you merge all scripts, if you got an error saying something like "missing function", then install Shared Import, merge again.

      DM me if you still got the issue, with your mod list.