1. SarenKoraka
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    doesn't work.
    says path already exists for reshade and there's that.
    tried with the latest version too and nothing.

    what a waste of time
    1. Badsha
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Can confirm it does not work. 
    2. TheMercsAssassin
      • supporter
      • 60 kudos
      This sounds like a problem with the Reshade framework itself. There's almost surely a workaround. But I have nothing to do with the framework itself. Best to seek help from those that do at Reshade.me forums. Please try to explain your problem in more detail. Never heard of an issue like this in the like 8 years I've been using any version of Reshade. 

      Good luck. If you find a solution I encourage you to post it here and I'll put it as a sticky comment.

      Clearly this is a new issue as thousands of others have been able to install and use it just fine, myself included.

    3. Badsha
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Mine simply doesn't work at all. Tried dx11 and dx12. Tried every version including the one you linked. Nothing activates or shows up. I have been using reshade/sweetfx/enbs for over a decade. Can't figure out why its dead on arrival. 

      For example. Reshade 4.0.2 says it failed to extract to some file location in appdata where nothing division is that i know of. 
  2. autismobama
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Is there a way to remove the black bar?
    I love the preset and I find the bar annoying
    1. TheMercsAssassin
      • supporter
      • 60 kudos

      Yes, 0 on the numberpad. You can find a full list of hotkeys to disable all the added effects on the description page.

    2. autismobama
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      thank you
  3. daisiest
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Does this will be blocked by anticheat? Since it’s online game
  4. MaximoVanquish
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    I need update for this, 90% of the shaders you use have a "failed to compile" error. This Preset, its absolutely incredible. Your work its admirable.
    1. TheMercsAssassin
      • supporter
      • 60 kudos
      Sorry I will probably never update this since I don't play the game anymore and it's a big install. Are you using ReShade framework 4.0.2? That should avoid the compile errors for the shaders, if I'm not mistaken. It's linked in the install section on the description page. 

      Thanks so much, btw!
    2. MaximoVanquish
      • member
      • 5 kudos
      No. I'm using the latest version of reshade. Since I am relatively new to this. I looked at your other comments and downloaded the version you say but it didn't work either:((
    3. belenbelen
      • supporter
      • 3 kudos
      You have to use the same version the preset was setup with otherwise the shaders produce compatibility / compiling errors.

      Old versions can be found on reshade's website.
    4. TheMercsAssassin
      • supporter
      • 60 kudos
      @MaximoVanquish Exactly what belenbelen said. Please refer to the link to the ReShade repository on the description page under the "install instructions" section and follow those full instructions. 

      @belenbelen Thanks!
  5. superfatboy
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    Beautiful reshade, thank you!
    1. TheMercsAssassin
      • supporter
      • 60 kudos
      Thanks so much! I really appreciate the endorsement and glad you like it!
  6. exray catt
    exray catt
    • premium
    • 110 kudos
    Nice job! Game looks beautiful and thanks for the hotkeys - makes it very easy to use. Any chance the UI might not be blurred when the DOF active? Base game was nice looking but you fixed all the ugly haze and achieved that "photorealistic" look, very impressive.
    1. TheMercsAssassin
      • supporter
      • 60 kudos
      Thank you so much! I'm really glad you like it! No way to reliably keep the UI from getting blurred from DoF, since ReShade injects over top the games rather than having the option to exclude certain elements, like UI and menus, like how ENB works. You can minimize how much DoF may impact elements close to the screen, like certain UI elements, like the inventory menu, but it will result in a less noticeable DoF effect overall and likely woudn't be as noticeable in interiors, since you'll have to push the DoF starting point much farther away from the camera.

      In general, you can increase the FarBlurCurve in whichever DoF you decide to use. This will effectively push away the starting point for how close DoF can be to the camera. The impact though will be exponential on how it impacts DoF after a little adjustment, such that bokeh elements are loss completely and cannot be reintroduced after pushing it farther than about 2.5 or 2.7, if memory serves correctly. Actually, if you try a value of 3.0 with the ADoF effect or Matso DoF, the DoF will probably seem to deactivate completely. To counteract this, you'll want to increase the "DOF_InfiniteFocus" value for Matso DoF or the "Hyperfocal depth distance" value for the qUINT_DoF.fx. These focus elements control how far into the image the depth buffer will "look" to find a point with which to focus. Higher values for the focus points will effectively increase DoF. Lower values will make DoF trigger in fewer situations.


      Increase the FarBlurCurve values for whichever DoF you use and then increase the respective focal point values "Hyperfocal depth distance" for qUINT DoF and Infinite Focus for Matso DoF.

      Hope this helps!
  7. subtropicalironman
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Thank you very much. Thank you.Though i don't use your settings,"dxgi?d3d11" is awesome.
    At last i can enjoy division 2 without crash
    Thank you so much.Thank you
    1. TheMercsAssassin
      • supporter
      • 60 kudos
      Very glad I could help :)
  8. AssCancer
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    No matter what I do I can't get reshade to work, at least not 4.0.2. I installed the latest version of reshade and a preset, and it works perfectly fine on Sekiro, but nothing I've tried has worked to get 4.0.2 to load for this game.

    Any ideas as to what could be up? This preset looks really sick
    1. TheMercsAssassin
      • supporter
      • 60 kudos
      Hey thanks so much! Hmm, you are 8000% sure you're using 4.0.2? I would try redownloading from this link and running through my install steps with that one one last time to be sure: http://www.mediafire.com/file/0xoi37xedib2uc1/ReShade_Setup_4.0.2.exe/file

      When you say it doesn't work, I'm guessing you mean you game CTD's, right?

      My shortlist for CTDs with ReShade are the following:

      Disable Uplay overlay in the uplay options before launching the game.
      Ensure the game is set to borderless windowed mode (same as windowed-fullscreen) or just straight windowed mode for testing purposes.
      Renaming the ReShade "dxgi.dll" file to "d3d11.dll".

      You may also want to try all the above and try ReShade 3.4.1, though I can't promise all the shaders I included will work. If you get the reshade to install and the game runs with 3.4.1, let me know if you have any compile errors (red text during the reshade load will show you and then click on each shader in the list to see what shader is broken):

      Download for 3.4.1.: http://www.mediafire.com/file/au4lvk667c1ds1l/ReShade_Setup_3.4.1.exe/file

      Really hope this helps!
    2. AssCancer
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      No I mean the game starts and everything is good but reshade itself never starts. I know this because I never get the notification like I do in Sekiro that reshade is starting.

      I had already tried those things since they were also in the install instructions (only posted here as a last resort lol), but I went ahead and re-installed the game just in case. I'll report back to see if things have changed.
    3. AssCancer
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      neeeeeeevermind I'm an idiot I had dx12 enabled.............
    4. AssCancer
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Ok so I've pretty much got it up and running but I can't for the life of me get the final part with the DoF working. I looked at the video but I can't manage to click on any value in the DX11 tab because it's constantly spazzing out. Sometimes I manage to click on one but it doesn't turn purple/grayscale, but that value disappears so now my game has some weird effect. Is there a better way to implement DoF?
    5. TheMercsAssassin
      • supporter
      • 60 kudos
      No worries! Really glad you sorted out!

      With dof, no way to stop it spazzing out. You have to spam click (usually one or two of the bottom 4) the boxes until it lets you in. The dof will flicker in game every few seconds, but it's not horribly noticable. Just be sure to click the "reload" bottom at the bottom of the Reshade menu on the "home" tab.l after you select one of the dofs that shows the image in half greyscale. And you have to do it each time you launch the game. Best to wait till you load into the game and have control of your charger before trying. Can do it in about 10 seconds once you get used to it, but I realize it's a pain.

      Unfortunately the flickering is caused by an engine level incompatibility issue with Reshade and Div 2. I'm honestly surprised the depth buffer works at all, as it's supposed to be disabled when Reshade detects network activity, under normal circumstances, anyway.
    6. AssCancer
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      I see. Well it looks awesome regardless ?

      Edit: That ? was supposed to be a thumbs up emoji idk what happened
  9. shoni89P
    • premium
    • 14 kudos
    Game won't start due to dxgi.dll being blacklisted by EasyCheat. Help?
    1. TheMercsAssassin
      • supporter
      • 60 kudos
      This only happens if you're not using Reshade version 4.0.2. Please be sure you are using the version I liked to.

      You may also need to rename your dxgi.dll file to d3d11.dll.