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  1. qmjs
    • premium
    • 59 kudos
    This mod greatly expands the variety of characters, facilities, and actions available to the player. It is equally applicable to the player who chooses to keep a small group and rush through levels quickly, as to the player who lingers on a level as long as possible, building up the largest group of survivors they can.
    It touches upon many aspects of the game. Some parts are now easier; some parts are now much harder. There is no central theme- it was not designed to be a 'difficulty' mod, or a 'base' mod, or a 'character' mod. It touches upon many aspects of the game, including characters, facilities, skills, and items. The changes are ones that I personally found to be useful or interesting.

    This version requires the YOSE edition of State of Decay. It is not compatible with other mods that change the same files.
    If this is the first time using the mod, you must start a new game.
    If you are upgrading from a previous version, I recommend installing either just after starting a new level, or after moving to a new home base and before building any facilities.

    Place the zip file in the State of Decay YOSE\Game directory (By Default, C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\State of Decay YOSE\ ) Right click and select Unzip here.
    If you unpack the directory elsewhere, the directories get placed into the State of Decay YOSE\ directory to use.
    If you have a folder in the directory with the zip file name (ie. C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\State of Decay YOSE\QMJSExtendedFunctionsMod-YOSE-V2.01-Game, that is incorrect. Move everything from inside that directory and put it into the Game directory, and then remove the empty QMJSExtendedFunctionsMod-YOSE-V2.01-Game folder.)


    REMOVE OTHER MODS FIRST and then VERIFY THE GAME CACHE. The mod is not compatible with other mods that use the same files, and it is possible that while removing other mods you can accidentally delete a file that is required by the game.

    PLEASE DO NOT ASK ME QUESTIONS ABOUT PROBLEMS WITH THE MOD IF YOU HAVE ANY OTHER MODS INSTALLED OR IF YOU HAVE MODIFIED ANY FILES. I do not have the time to investigate every other mod out there to determine compatability, and I will not be installing/uninstalling other mods to troubleshoot issues.

    Current 2.01 known issues:
    Due to load order of the modified files, starting a new game in Breakdown without loading into an existing game first may cause the game to exit to the desktop. If this occurs, restart the game, select an existing profile, enter that game, exit, switch profiles and then start a new game. You can also load a standard mode game, then escape back to the mode screen (Standard, Breakdown, Lifeline) and continue your Breakdown game. If that does not work or if you do not already have a valid saved game, rename Game/libs/class3.1/rts/ to sandbox.temp, then after starting the game, exit and rename to
    (Please also see the sticky post below for any additional problems that have been reported.)

    If you are experiencing issues with the mod:
    Verify that the mod is installed correctly.
    Make sure you do not have any other mods installed that have replaced files in this mod.
    Shutdown Steam completely, start it as an administrator, then do a file verification. When complete, start the game, and once it loads, exit again. Shutdown Steam and restart normally.
    If you have not started the story mode (regular State of Decay at the loading screen), start a game there before starting Breakdown or Lifeline.
    After accounting for incompatible mods and installation issues, the majority of the remaining issues are caused by loading the mod and continuing to use an existing game instead of starting a new one, and may resolve by moving to the next level of Breakdown (if not caused by custom characters using traits not in the mod.) Have you started a new game, or are you trying to use an older game with the mod?
    The next most common cause was using the mod but not completely... Make sure you are using the complete mod, not "everything but this one file"... that causes many of the problems.
    If you had other mods loaded before, when you uninstalled, did you check to make sure that there were no other leftover files? Doing a file verification from Steam or a reinstallation won't fix that. Steam won't remove anything it did not install.
    Installations outside of the normal default Steam directory occasionally cause issues.

    If you start experiencing errors after playing for a while, exit the game, then shut down and restart Steam. This is particularly prominent with ENG_LOC_Missing issues.
    Add an exclusion for the game and save directories in your antivirus settings.

    Please do not reply to this sticky post. Create a new comment (add comment button) or reply to an existing comment. This sticky post remains at the top of the list on the site and is used to convey current information about the mod.
  2. qmjs
    • premium
    • 59 kudos
    As noted above, most mods do not work with this one due to the extensive changes made.

    I have had a number of people reporting issues after installing "State of Decay - YOSE - XBO Challenge Rewards Unlocker".

    In short, the character and items are ALREADY in the mod, and it is causing conflicts that can prevent the game from starting or completely corrupt your saved games.
  3. qmjs
    • premium
    • 59 kudos
    2.01 reported issues:

    Base game debug characters are spawning for some users. This should not ever happen, and I have been unable to determine why it affects some users. They will be removed in the next release.
    1. TheOriginalPenta
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      Just letting you know, I got the debug soldier looking guy popped up, his name is Debug 4 and has no traits. Doesn't seem to be ruining my game or anything though but ill keep an eye out.
    2. deleted8930042
      • account closed
      • 0 kudos
      You only got one Debug? I got 5, debug 2, 3, 4 ,5,6 and they all have only ONE trait
    3. modus666
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      i am having this issue as well. they are spawning in the enclaves
    4. Metal-Gear-REX
      • premium
      • 28 kudos
      I had around three or so spawn in my main storyline.

      Heck, Debug 1 unintentionally died and then his twin brother Debug 1 appeared later on.
    5. Foedawg
      • premium
      • 7 kudos
      I've got a soldier named Debug 5 in my game right now. Can't switch to him and he has one trait and nothing else like the others reported.

      For now I'm just pretending that's his specops codename or something lmao
    6. jaxmoramlug
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Can you upload your file so we can remove the Debug characters? It took me a bit to find them with the BMD editor and it is painful to delete them using the editor.
    7. qmjs
      • premium
      • 59 kudos
      I don't release the sources until I am done working on a mod. It is still in progress.

      Don't recruit them. Don't mess with the BMD, the BMD editor does not properly handle all of the YOSE code, as it was made for the previous version and can corrupt your game.

  4. ASSWERGT2020
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    hey qmjs do you know how to edit the supply locker limit? because its annyoing me and i wanna increase it badly
    1. qmjs
      • premium
      • 59 kudos
      Hardcoded in the exe.
      The easiest solution other than not putting stuff you don't need in the locker or selling the excess to other enclaves is to switch out weapons... you will usually have stacks and stacks of ammo that you haven't been using, so either sell it off or use it to level up shooting skills on other survivors.
    2. ASSWERGT2020
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thanks!, also hows the new update? 
    3. qmjs
      • premium
      • 59 kudos
      Slow. Not much available time to work on it.
  5. NailsOf6Bit
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    I love when smart people make mods that work. This mod is one of those, and I already count it as essential, like Killap's mod for Fallout 2 or Long War for XCOM. It updates the game to "Year Two Professional Survivalist Edition".
    1. qmjs
      • premium
      • 59 kudos
      I am glad you are enjoying it, and thanks for saying so. It is refreshing to have a comment that isn't a question about how or why something works.
    2. NailsOf6Bit
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      I would expect more positive feedback, but it's pretty common these days for people to only have questions and criticisms, and almost as common for people to say something like "great mod, but this one tiny problem keeps me from enjoying it, so I won't be using it". I did come back to point out that I have occasional CTDs when checking my map, though. It seems to be when I'm driving, and it could just be a memory issue, but I wanted to report it anyway. I'm still loving the mod, and it's the only reason why I'm still playing SoD: when I found this, I was just about to move on to another game, having done everything I really felt like doing. Your mod adds levels of both ease and difficulty that really balance out the game and make it worth playing. Plus, the higher variety of loot and Breakdown survivors has made scavenging and rescue missions way more interesting and rewarding. Don't let people get you down. You made the mod to help yourself and others have more fun playing the game, and you've put a lot of work into that with the end result, the mod itself, being your only reward. Just be proud of your work and follow your own bliss.
  6. RevocNossirah
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Great mod, small bug with Alicia Hawke in Breakdown though, she has the "born leader" trait twice.
    1. qmjs
      • premium
      • 59 kudos
      One is her leadership skills (TraitId="Leadership") and one is her personality (TraitId="Realist_Charismatic")

      Despite the identical description, they have different effects. I'll make a note to change the name/description to avoid confusion.

      Good catch. That has been in the mod for a lot of release versions.
  7. ZHunterSC
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I love this mod so much and it is the reason I still play the game today. Do you know a time that the next update may be released?
    1. qmjs
      • premium
      • 59 kudos
      I am still working on it, but I have very little time compared to what I used to have. Most of what is left to do takes a very long time to test, so progress is very slow, but I am working on it. The version you have is the most recent release.
  8. Thahiri
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Hi this is the first time I'm launching the game. I love your mod but I noticed that sometimes my weapons are invisible? exemple the cleo axe on drop
    I need to put the game in English due to file name issues? (I play in French)
    1. qmjs
      • premium
      • 59 kudos
      I've never had any problems like that reported before. The mod doesn't change any of the weapon visuals.

      It is probably a good idea to go to the top sticky post and check out the steps under the "If you are experiencing issues with the mod:" line. Steam in particular can cause some odd issues.
  9. JustineHeramis
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    will you update the non-Yose?
    1. qmjs
      • premium
      • 59 kudos
      No, I barely have time to work on the YOSE version.
  10. syarifilm
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    hey qmjs its nice mod but im sorry, i just want to extra facility place, and this mod so many file inside, what's name file mod for this? (just only for extra facility place) because i dont know there has lot of them like a character file, libs file, objects, etc. thank you..
    1. qmjs
      • premium
      • 59 kudos
      Removing any of the files will break the mod. There are dependencies between all of the major files.
    2. syarifilm
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      If we want to change mind, can we uninstall the mod?
    3. qmjs
      • premium
      • 59 kudos
      Yes. Game saves using the mod won't work properly after uninstallation.

      The easiest way is to delete the entire contents of the State of Decay YOSE\Game directory (By Default, C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\State of Decay YOSE\ ), and then do a file verification in Steam, which will replace the required files.
  11. Yunnyou
    • member
    • 0 kudos
     the thing that i want to know is, how the vitality base of pain works? i mean, as i teste it, whit one character as lvl 1 on fight, you recive the same damage as normal, but one character whit level 7 on fight, literaly have less damage if he have full life, but recive more when is low life. is that how it work? or i am missing someting
    1. qmjs
      • premium
      • 59 kudos
      I'm not sure I understand what you are asking. If this isn't what you meant, let me know.

      Level or fighting skill does not affect damage at all.

      Vitality is based on pain. The first few hits have less effect, growing effect in middle, then scales down again when low. (already max/distracting pain, but fighting for life- adenaline)

      Essentially, at above 90% health, you take 50% damage, and then as you are more wounded that increases. Below 50% health, it has reached 100% damage per hit, and then decreases again below that, to a minimum of 30% at 10% health.
  12. DamienXIII
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    Hello, qmjs, it's been so many days.....

    Please share the current state of the mod through an update of this mod......

    1. qmjs
      • premium
      • 59 kudos
      It's going to be quite some time before I am able to release the next version. There is still much to do, but not much time to work on it.

      Almost every change remaining is complicated, and testing them takes at least two or three hours of gameplay each time something is adjusted.
    2. DamienXIII
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      Could you give us an approximate time to expect the update.....?????

      Also, about not getting time for work, why don't you take the help of other modders from the State of Decay Modding community.....?????
    3. qmjs
      • premium
      • 59 kudos
      No, I can't give an estimate, as stated above.
    4. deep4325
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Can you please give us some spoiler about the upcoming features. I really wish if I could take my allies during mission.
    5. qmjs
      • premium
      • 59 kudos
      The number of missions that allow npcs to accompany you is greatly increased. They will not go with you to help other enclaves, and they won't go on training/morale/black death missions. This has been a part of the mod for a very long time.

      These are the last 50 or so lines in my notes:
      Adjusted the radio option for vehicle delivery to make it less likely to spawn the same vehicle multiple times. (The first vehicle spawned per game session is still likely to be a work truck.)
      Corrected the path for one character's model. (The survivor could not spawn properly.)
      In Breakdown and story mode, slightly adjusted the occasional sickness event, the chance to become hurt or sick in the daily evolve events, and the chance to remain the same instead of becoming grave.
      Slightly improved the effects of high medical skill.
      Adjusted the description of the task needed to unlock one hero. (REVERTED- Resets all heroes so they need to be unlocked again.)
      Adjusted the frequency of some common fatecard events to prevent them from completely blocking more rare events.
      Enclave training mission requests now time out.
      Replaced 5 debug characters in base game. (Used 5 previously non-playable minor story characters.)
      Corrected a Lifeline suppressor creation issue.
      In Breakdown, adjusted the penalties for starving characters.
      In Breakdown, to compensate for the minimum food use (starvation rations), when there is a sizeable excess of food the survivors will eat more. (Improves morale.)
      In Breakdown, corrected an issue where certain fatecards would not be applied.
      In Breakdown, changed the Safe Haven messaging for outposts.
      Adjusted task priorities to make the main watchtower staffed more often.
      Corrected an issue with a character having an invalid personality trait.
      Breakdown task adjustment to allow some additional interactions with facilities for the survivors at home.
      Breakdown periodic bonuses changed from 1 hour to 15 minutes, and the amounts cut to 25% (No change in totals, just smaller amounts more often.)
      Breakdown Recycling and Improved Recycling bonuses increased 10%.
      In Breakdown, adjusted the survivors that may appear at the daily reset slightly.
      Adjusted the messaging for completion of medkits.
      In Breakdown, for survivors eligible to have a random trait, there is now a chance that they will be assigned a random personality.
      Added a delay for processing of multiple characters with random traits/personalities, so that only one can be in progress at once.
      Removed one trait from two heroes to correct an issue with selecting available special abilities.
      In Breakdown, renamed two personality traits.
      In Breakdown, adjusted food (snacks) in CLEO drops to be less common, and increased medicine and military throwables (grenades, mines) to be more common.
      In Breakdown, added a small periodic morale drop.
      Changed the facility detection method to allow munitions shop research to continue at the Kirkman site if you built a second workshop.
      Adjusted some of the error messaging for facility actions for greater consistency.
      In Breakdown, adjusted effect of declined missions.
      In Breakdown, adjusted effect of fatecard fights, suicides, and murder.
      In Breakdown, renamed one backstory trait.
      In Breakdown, added two new locations where a car may spawn. There are now four, two of which will have a vehicle on every level. These include many vehicle types not normally found on the map.
      In Breakdown, corrected an issue with contagious illness.
      In Breakdown, when new npcs are brought home to join the community, they may occasionally bring a small amount of resources. 
      In Breakdown, adjusted the dialogue in several scenes.
      In Breakdown, adjusted the Cardio experience gained from Melee and Unarmed attacks.
      In Breakdown, corrected an issue with Training/Dojo exercise programs and the extra Cardio bonus experience.
      In Breakdown, slightly reduced the bonus experience for gun and melee training actions.
      In Breakdown, corrected an issue where one possible way for a character to get sick did not adjust the mood.
      In Breakdown, adjusted several fatecards and reduced timers for exclusions.
      In Breakdown, prevent hurt and sick characters from being set to away. They should stay in the infirmary.
      Adjusted the tires on the black SUV.
      Corrected an issue with one of the hero's escort mission upon being unlocked.
      In Breakdown, Mercy Shot missions may now time out.
      In Breakdown, new members that join your group will take slightly longer to become friends. Enclaves that you have already built up trust with are unaffected.
      Corrected a potential issue with wanted items for the sanitation facility.
      In Lifeline, adjusted chemical incendiaries to also be available to be made with the surgery instead of only the medical lab.
      In Lifeline, corrected the description of two actions to correctly indicate what type of suppressors would be created.
      In Lifeline, slightly increased recovery chance for some conditions.
      In Lifeline, corrected an error making some objects not appear after creation at a workshop.
      Increased the damage values for steel pipe bombs to make them more effective than standard pipe bombs.
      In Breakdown only, added the ability to collect junk. Available at the command center, all the way to the right of the other options. These are free but quite weak.
      Increased the amount of time, and slightly reduced cost, of having a follower accompany you.
      In Breakdown, increased the amount of resources that carry over from level to level when you leave on the RV.
      Added a small chance of causing an injury when shooting at npcs, similar to the danger of running over them with a vehicle.
      In Lifeline, added a few additional grenades to supply drops.

    6. freischutz00
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Fingers crossed 2024 is the year of version 2.02, this is the mod that keeps me coming back
    7. qmjs
      • premium
      • 59 kudos
      Working on it, but slow. But it'll be 2.1 when it gets here.
  13. deep4325
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    It seems once you destroy a parking facility you can't place parking lot in it anymore. Is it intended? Is there a way to build parking lot facility?
    1. qmjs
      • premium
      • 59 kudos
      In Story mode, they can not be rebuilt. In Breakdown and Lifeline they can. 

      There is a non-destructible parking spot at each location.
    2. deep4325
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Oh I see. I am playing story & saw that one of the parking lots are non destructible at the snyder truck base. Thanks for the clarification.

      Awesome mod btw. <3
    3. deep4325
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Is the 'high performance handling' mod still compatible with QMJS?
    4. qmjs
      • premium
      • 59 kudos
      No, it is for the version before YOSE. It also covers about half of the vehicles in the game.