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  1. MetroLotus
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Why is there no script file?               Maybe because of the new version or because the mod is old?        2024                
  2. MalthaelAoD
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    wow doesnt work cant install. just bought the YOSE version on steam for $8 so yeah im not gonna bother playing it now.
    1. lord3638
      • supporter
      • 2 kudos
      sry for the necroing, but before complaining in a childish way like that, you could have just searched for a yose version.

    2. personathome
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Lord3638 you the real mvp!!!
    3. jeehs
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Link's dead, bro.
    4. rahul717
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Thank you !!!
    5. Xaliber13
      • premium
      • 38 kudos
      Link on the YOSE version is dead. Anyone has that one running?
    6. jingmu508
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      it doesnt work,dude
  3. Llnsomniaa
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    For anyone who still plays thinking about downloading this it does not work

  4. DigitalWraith
    • member
    • 8 kudos
    While nice, I consider this mod a cheat as well as unrealistic. Hitting someone with your car damages it, especially if they land on the grill, making them go under the car damages the undercarriage and the various parts attached to the tires, that is reality and that is why cars get damaged when you ram a zombie, which is tougher than a normal human. (dead flesh, aka leather, has been scientifically proven to be stronger than living flesh)

    Not saying this is a bad mod, just see it as a bit game ruining. I'd only grab it for a fun run, or if I wanted to act out my favorite scenes from Christine.
    1. RyanBurnsRed
      • premium
      • 6 kudos
      Ok...? Not sure why you felt the need to preach here
    2. BiG420
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
    3. AggaAgostini
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Hmm I've hit the average Kangaroo right up to a Western Grey and they stand 6 feet plus in height on the road, with my Truck and done bugger all damage if any and kept on moving so i guess some have to have there opinion and take there gaming way to seriously to the point of having there two cents worth. to the" moder" Awesome job mate had a Blast!!. keep it up it makes a badly built game bearable thx to all the moders of this game ehh.
      ohh P.s. cows do damage to bullbars hahah.
  5. Fuszion
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I tried both version of the mod on both version of the game and it these mods don't work. You should take the mod down or fix it. Having this mod up is wasting peoples time. If there is some sort of trick to get it to work (and I doubt there is), then it should be stated in the installation directions.

    There should be a down vote for mods on this site.
  6. AbsynthMinded
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    As Advised, Added Folders into the SoD YOSE>Game. +scripts>+entities>+ai

    Added MOD files to ai

  7. epicchinaman
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    State of Decay/Game/scripts/entities/ai/

    I cant find this on my files
  8. Awesomanous
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    downloaded, not working. Was going to install manually but there is no game/scripts folder
    1. Awesomanous
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      ugh, I think this only works with the non-steam version.
    2. highhthere
      • premium
      • 344 kudos
      I don't believe this mod works with YOSE.
      For future reference, if a folder doesn't exist, create it and drag the files there.
    3. AfricaRider
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      if you change gamedata.pak to gamedata.zip... just check and remember to turn back
      D:\STATEOF\Game\gamedata\scripts\entities\ai\ its proper folder for the files
      any mod contain scripts schould be put after gamedata folder be created wich is in Game folder
      and the game schould load it after paks automaticaly, good for them its easy mod install.
  9. AfricaRider
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    yose version dont work too i tried to put also on difrences folder.. in game cars still taking damaged
    i could not find these files in pak at all.. im afraid its fake mod as the game so to.

    60 kg vs 1000 of steel or 400 composite what tha fkk ?
    this programers probably looks as dumb as this characters
    whole system is copy paste some code and testers are even dumber.. played probably for 1h as also the reviewiers.
    the game world is so small thats just have 3 4 themes of area, even call of duty have at least 8 difrent levels.
    they schould have take example of gothic game which every chest is one shot chest as same as this but there is no respawn also as well
    the world is biger and every elements works perfect with each other.
    whats the point to insert side missions to game when they cant be accomplished any way possible?
    i made test on side misson .. rescue, clear and hunt... i was doing them as fast as possible and when i done 3 of them
    next same mission apear to be done and at second and third time missions pop ups these are absolutly the same
    i mean same surviver same place same zombies... the only way to accomlish this missions is to let death of surviver and every single one of them
    and the lily schold they too because shes helping that such dumb idiots going to their deaths
    how such idiots could be even called survivors ? KILL MS ? NO Survivors XD
    whats the pint weapon specialization if character swing it same fast no matter lvl of spec and the weight of weapon as well ?
    backpack max 10 caps car pack max 6 caps, what is fkking bigger car or small backpack, The fkk ?
    whole system fall down there and every where and its beta.

    its yose and its still beta and it s not playable and t schold not be realeses to public
    not until there will be proper testers in companys instead of 13 y kids who dare to call them self as pro
    because is up to trend.

  10. RockCyborg27
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    This dont work for s#*!! God cant steam just put up a workshop instead?
    1. chypres89
      • member
      • 27 kudos
      LUL learn to mod blond bang kid.